Biblio du cours 2018 Bibliographie Parcours de vie et vulnérabilité Felix Bühlmann Anderson E Code of the street Decency violence and the moral life of the inner city WW Norton Company Coulton C J Korbin J Chan T Su M Mapping residents' perceptions of nei

Bibliographie Parcours de vie et vulnérabilité Felix Bühlmann Anderson E Code of the street Decency violence and the moral life of the inner city WW Norton Company Coulton C J Korbin J Chan T Su M Mapping residents' perceptions of neighborhood boundaries a methodological note American journal of community psychology - De Souza Briggs X Keys B J Has exposure to poor neighbourhoods changed in America Race risk and housing locations in two decades Urban Studies - Duneier M Carter O Sidewalk Macmillan Galster G C The mechanism s of neighbourhood e ?ects Theory evidence and policy implications In Neighbourhood e ?ects research New perspectives pp - Springer Dordrecht Grannis R From the ground up Translating geography into community through neighbor networks Princeton University Press Harding D J Gennetian L Winship C Sanbonmatsu L Kling J R Unpacking neighborhood in uences on education outcomes Setting the stage for future research No w National Bureau of Economic Research Jencks C Mayer S E The social consequences of growing up in a poor neighborhood Inner-city poverty in the United States Lewis O The children of Sanchez Autobiography of a Mexican family Vintage Ludwig J Duncan G J Gennetian L A Katz L F Kessler R C Kling J R Sanbonmatsu L Neighborhood e ?ects on the long-term well-being of low-income adults Science - Newman K S No shame in my game The working poor in the inner city Vintage Park R Suggestions for the investigations of human behavior in the urban environment Am J Sociol ?? Sampson R J Moreno ? J D Earls F Beyond social capital Spatial dynamics of collective e ?cacy for children American sociological review - Sharkey P Faber J W Where when why and for whom do residential contexts matter Moving away from the dichotomous understanding of neighborhood e ?ects Annual Review of Sociology - CWilson W J The truly disadvantaged The inner city the underclass and public policy University of Chicago Press C

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