Biocide guide Biocide Standards Reference Guide Main Group I Disinfectants General Biocidal Products Main Group II Preservatives Main Group III Pest Control Main Group IV Other Biocidal Products AccuStandard CA biocide can be de ?ned as a chemical or micr
Biocide Standards Reference Guide Main Group I Disinfectants General Biocidal Products Main Group II Preservatives Main Group III Pest Control Main Group IV Other Biocidal Products AccuStandard CA biocide can be de ?ned as a chemical or micro-organism which prevents controls and or renders harmless organisms through chemical or biological means Biocides are used wherever organisms may cause product contamination or a health threat to people and or animals Biocides can be added to other materials to protect them against biological growth or infestation ??Treated articles ? are included within the biocides regulations and are subject to the same requirements as biocides Biocides are used by workers in all types of industries to control viruses bacteria fungi insects and animals The intended use and chemical potency of biocides require that their use storage and disposal be controlled to prevent adverse e ?ects to the public and or environment To ensure the safety of biocides government regulations are in place to assess the active substances within commercial products One such regulation is the Biological Products Directive EC BPD which has been recently revised and is now designated as EU Biocides Regulation EU BPR Under this legislation active compounds are submitted for approval on the list of Approved Active Substances This regulation went into e ?ect in September and classi ?es biocides into biocide product types grouped into four main areas Biological Products Directiv Bioc Main Group I Disinfectants and general biocidal products Product Type Human hygiene biocidal products Private area and public health area disinfectants and other biocidal products Veterinary hygiene biocidal products Food and feed area disinfectants Drinking water disinfectants Main Group II Preservatives Product Type In-can preservatives Film preservatives Wood preservatives Fiber leather rubber polymerized material preservatives Masonry preservatives Preservatives for liquid-cooling and processing systems Slimicides Metalworking- uid preservatives ?AccuStandard CThe names and descriptions of the product types have been updated and the classes have been reduced from in the regulation to in the new model The di ?erence is that preservatives for food and feedstock are no longer under the scope of the Biocides Regulation AccuStandard acknowledges the recently adopted regulation but has chosen to use the classi ?cation system described in the Biological Products Directive EC BPD which divides biocides into product types within four major groupings This is primarily because the basic tenet of requiring assessment of the active substance for e ?ectiveness and safety for humans and the environment remains the same as in the original directive Consequently the classi ?cation system in this catalog divides the biocides into product types within four main groupings The devised owchart can be used as a screening tool to quickly assess which category applies to a particular biocide compound ve EC BPD revised cides Main Group III Pest control Product Type Rodenticides Avicides Molluscicides Piscicides Insecticides acaricides and products to control other arthropods Repellents and attractants Main Group IV Other biocidal products Product Type Preservatives for food or feedstocks Anti-fouling products Embalming and taxidermist uids Control of other
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- Publié le Dec 16, 2021
- Catégorie Geography / Geogra...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 132.5kB