Butterfl ies and moths teacher x27 s guide classroom activities 1
Butter ies and Moths Teacher ? s Guide Classroom Activities Florida Museum of Natural History Education Department Exhibits and Public Programs Hull Road and th Street University of Florida Gainesville FL - - http www mnh u edu CTeacher ? s Guide TITLE Butter y Rainforest GRADE LEVEL Kindergarten through th grade PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Students will explore an outdoor walk-through environment and visual displays where they will learn more about the life cycle of a butter y and gain a better understanding of how important camou age and adaptive methods are for survival LEARNING GOALS Activities are designed to integrate science language arts math and social studies At the conclusion of the museum program kindergarten through nd grade students should Use listening strategies e ?ectively LA C Understand the patterns of function in living things SC F SC F SC F SC F Understand the competitive interdependent cyclic nature of living things in the environment SC G SC G SC G SC G Understand the consequences of using limited natural resources SC G SC G Understand the scienti ?c processes and habits of mind to solve problems SC H SC H In addition rd through th grade students should Know that all living animals depend on plants SC F Know that all living things compete in a climatic region with other living things and structural adaptations make them ?t for an environment SC G Know that all living things must compete for earth ? s limited resources organisms best adapted to compete for available resources will be successful and pass their adaptations traits to their o ?spring SC G Know that the size of the population is dependent upon the available resources within the community SC G In addition th through th grade students should Understand the process and importance of genetic diversity SC F Understand the consequences of using limited natural resources SC G SC G SC G In addition th through th grade students should Understand how genetic variation of o ?spring contributes to population control in an environment and that natural selection ensures that those who are best adapted to their surroundings survive to reproduce SC G Florida Museum of Natural History http www mnh u edu CContents page topic Teacher Information Words to Know What is an Insect Lesson One ages primary and intermediate Figure Figure Butter ies and Us Lesson Two ages primary and intermediate Figure Activity Sheet Butter y Anatomy Candy Butter ies Lesson Three ages primary and intermediate Butter y vs Moth Do you see the di ?erence Lesson Four ages primary and intermediate Figure Activity Sheet Butter y vs Moth Antennae Activity Lesson Five ages primary Figure Butter y vs Moth Wings to Wear Lesson Five extension ages primary and intermediate Figures - Butter y vs Moth Review Lesson Six ages primary and intermediate Activity Sheet Life Cycle Introduction Lesson Seven ages primary and intermediate Figure Life Cycle Metamorphosis mobile Lesson Eight ages primary Figures - Life Cycle Metamorphosis Diagram Lesson Eight
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- Publié le Mai 01, 2021
- Catégorie Geography / Geogra...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 109.9kB