Canadian shield unit plan The Canadian Shield ?? Le Bouclier Canadien Grade - Études Sociales CThe Canadian Shield ?? Le Bouclier Canadien Essential Questions o What are the main geographical features of the Canadian Shield o What are the main natural res
The Canadian Shield ?? Le Bouclier Canadien Grade - Études Sociales CThe Canadian Shield ?? Le Bouclier Canadien Essential Questions o What are the main geographical features of the Canadian Shield o What are the main natural resources within the Canadian Shield how do they a ?ect the community and what are we doing to protect them o Who were the ?rst people in the Canadian Shield and who is there now o What are the main historical events that took place in the Canadian Shield Focusing Questions o What are our responsibilities associated with the natural resources within the Canadian Shield o How do the people and communities within the Canadian shield shape Canada as a whole Unit Summary Overview Taken from the Program of Studies Grade students will examine how the ways of life of peoples in Canada are integral to Canadian culture and identity They will explore the geographic vastness of Canada and the relationships between the land places and people As they re ect upon the stories of diverse Aboriginal French British and immigrant experiences in Canada over time students will develop a sense of place and an awareness of how these multiple stories contribute to students ? sense of citizenship and identity Key Terms and Concepts o Geography ?? la geographie o Climate ?? le climat o Natural resources ?? ressources o Natural disasters ?? catastophes naturelles naturelles o Environment ?? environnement o Sustainability ?? durabilite o National parks ?? parcs nationaux o Communities ?? les communautes o Diversity ?? la diversite o Preservation - preservation o Landforms ?? reliefs o Geographical regions ?? regions geographiques Unit Rationale In this unit students will understand what physical and geographical characteristics de ?ne the Canadian Shield They will explore the natural resources within the Canadian Shield and how important they are to the communities and therefore how important is it to protect and maintain them We will then discuss the major historical events that took place and currently take place within the Canadian Shield Page CThe Canadian Shield ?? Le Bouclier Canadien General and Speci ?c Learner Outcomes General Outcome L ? élève fera preuve d ? une compréhension et d ? un discernement de la manière dont la géographie physique et les ressources naturelles du Canada a ?ectent la qualité de la vie de tous les Canadiens - Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of how the physical geography and natural resources of Canada a ?ect the quality of life of all Canadians L ? élève fera preuve d ? une compréhension et d ? un discernement de la manière dont les récits re ètent la diversité des peuples des modes de vie et du patrimoine au Canada Students will demonstrate an understanding of the people and the stories of Canada and their ways of life over time and appreciate the diversity of Canada ? s heritage Many of the French oral written reading and comprehension outcomes will be touched throughout this unit Speci ?c
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- Publié le Mai 07, 2021
- Catégorie Geography / Geogra...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 113.1kB