Corv guide A Local Food Directory Updated for the Growing Season T his is the third edition of the Central Ohio River Valley CORV Local Foods Guide CORV covers Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky and Southeast Indiana listings are veri ?ed before printin

A Local Food Directory Updated for the Growing Season T his is the third edition of the Central Ohio River Valley CORV Local Foods Guide CORV covers Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky and Southeast Indiana listings are veri ?ed before printing The CORV initiative is a grassroots e ?ort to connect community members with local growers and with fresh healthy local food It aims to promote self-su ?ciency sustainability and the wise use of resources Check out eatlocalcorv org for more information and blog updates Eat enjoy share CORV Local Foods Initiative eat fresh eat local eat here What ? s local Grown within a -mile radius of downtown Cincinnati or Grown within a -mile radius of downtown Cincinnati by growers who regularly sell within a -mile radius What are sustainable Those which are likely to last for generations because they do not deplete our natural resources growing practices www eatlocalcorv org CEating locally and sustainably can increase z Freshness z Flavor z Nutrition z Your health z Your knowledge of growing practices z Community connections z Your connection to the land z Farmers ? working conditions z Farmers ? incomes z The local economy z Crop variety z Our food security z The health of the planet How to eat more locally and sustainably Each of us takes part in and can in uence our food system Shifting toward a more local and sustainable diet doesn't have to be all or nothing Some ways to get started Visit a nearby farmers' market Plant something you like at home ?? whether it's herbs on your windowsill tomatoes in a pot or a variety of vegetables in your yard Ask for local foods at your grocery store and ?nd out what that store means by ??local ? Try a restaurant that features locally grown food Buy extra of your favorite foods when they are in season and preserve them to eat later Plan one meal a week around locally grown vegetables Join a CSA or herdshare Try out Cincinnati ? s Climate Protection Plan ? s recommendation to eat less meat to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by having a meatless day once a week Ask about growing and raising practices to encourage sustainable humane ones Check out our resources for groups to join or support Table of Contents Farms p Growing Practices p CSA p Farm Markets p Farmers ? Markets p Restaurants p Wineries Vineyards p Harvest Guide p Community Resources p Acknowledgements Producer Deborah Jordan deborah eatlocal- corv org Co-Producer Website Susan Miller-Stigler susan eatlocalcorv org Technical support from Ken Stigler Content Support Katherine Prince Kitchen Cabinet Corina Bullock Civic Garden Center Joanne Drilling Chef Jim Lowenburg Running Creek Farm Mary Lu Lageman Grailville Lauren Niemes Nutrition Council Diana Porter Farm Market of College Hill David Rosenberg Wooden Shoe Hollow Amy Stross Val Taylor Ohio Valley Foodshed Project Support April Laskey Maggie Palazzolo Graphic Design Breanna Parker breannaparkerdesign gmail com www breannaparker com Printer Peerless Printing using soy-based ink -

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