Crosspointe how to hike safely

Volume No How to hike safely Phone - - ? Web www yourbg com ? E-mail ads yourbg com June nd Of Service To The Eastern Panhandle Jeep Wrangler Rubicon National parks are great places for outdoor enthusiasts to enjoy some of their favorite activities Many such parks allow visitors to camp out after a day spent rafting or kayaking on the water making these locales the ideal vacation spots for families or groups of friends who share a love of the great outdoors Hiking is among the more popular activities enjoyed at parks across the globe Hikers of all ages and skill levels can enjoy trails of varying degrees of di ?culty all the while taking in picturesque landscapes that often cannot be found in developed urban and suburban areas But as much as hiking can be enjoyed even by novice outdoor enthusiasts this rewarding activity also can be dangerous Hikers often ?nd themselves in remote locations where cellular phone signals tend to be weak which can be troublesome even when hiking in relatively crowded parks That ? s why it ? s important to take the following precautionary measures when hiking Never hike alone Many outdoor enthusiasts enjoy escaping from the daily grind and getting some alone time with Mother Nature While some outdoor activities can be safely enjoyed alone others including hiking should never be done without a friend in tow There are numerous bene ?ts to hiking in pairs or groups not the least of which is having someone there to go for help should anyone su ?er an injury on the trails When hiking with a group or even with only a friend make sure no one hikes faster than the slowest hiker This ensures that no one will get lost and that each hiker has someone there to seek help should an accident or injury occur Share your itinerary with someone staying behind Even if you are hiking with others it ? s best to share your itinerary with someone who is not joining you on your trip This way someone can alert authorities to you and your fellow hikers ? direction if you get lost on a trail and cannot ?nd your way out When sharing your itinerary share your schedule as well telling friends who are staying behind to alert the authorities if you do not return or make direct contact with them by a given time UC this week KBB SUGGESTED RETAIL GMC Sierra Crew Cab SLT Chevrolet Corvette MANUAL - ONLY MILES UC Honda Accord AUTOMATIC - ONLY MILES UCA Dodge Dart LTD MANUAL - ONLY MILES ? ? UC Subaru Outback AUTOMATIC - ONLY MILES UC Nissan Rogue AUTOMATIC - ONLY MILES UC Ford Mustang AUTOMATIC - ONLY MILES UC UC this week Honda Civic Hybrid AUTOMATIC- ONLY MILES HA Chrysler AUTOMATIC - ONLY MILES HA Honda Fit MANUAL - ONLY MILES HA KBB SUGGESTED RETAIL C PMILLER ? S MOTOR CARS Valley Pike ? Winchester VA - -

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