Our biggest gift guide ever the whats wheres and how muches of those perfect holiday gifts

Our Biggest Gift Guide Ever The whats wheres and how-muches of those perfect holiday gifts CGive Something Special to the Someones who are Special this Holiday Season Jane Belau Artist Jane ? s art is made to brighten spaces in homes hotels apartments and workplaces using color metallic inks and ?ne pure gold and silver leaf Visit SEMVA Gallery and Doubletree Hotel Gallery to view and purchase art Both are located on Broadway in downtown Rochester The ?nest jewelry is at Jim Krom ? s Natural Images in the subway level shops of the Marriott Hotel Peace Plaza in downtown Rochester - CGift giving for everyone on your list ITALIAN LEATHER ACCESSORIES Galleria at University Square S Broadway Rochester ? PoppiItalianLeather com Step You Pick It Step You Paint It Step We Fire It Step You Love It Enjoy painting pottery in the safety of your own space on your own time Shop Online Today Gift Cards Available jessicaspyop com - - ROCHESTERMAGAZINE COM The perfect gift for anyone on your list N Main St Mantorville hubbellhouserestaurant com The new Dale Christmas Sweater Featuring timeless Norwegian Christmas motifs complete with the traditional eight-point Norwegian rose in the center Knit with Dale of Norway ? s skin soft merino wool Available in Sizes Men ? s Sizes S XXL - Women ? s Sizes S XL - Children ? s sizes - Specify Norwegian Red or Blue FREE SHIPPING ON ORDERS OVER The Nordic Shop Skyway Level-Shops at University Square Downtown Rochester MN - - - TheNordicShop net DECEMBER CThe perfect Gift for anyone on your list OUR TEAM Only Only Minute Massage or Customized Facial Minute Massage or Limited quantities available Can be purchased as a gift Expires THE PERFECT GIFT for anyone on your list Customized Facial Limited quantities available Can be purchased as a gift to use at a later date Expires ANGELA Skin Care Specialist CASEY Massage Therapist - - Superior Drive NW Rochester hairstudio com CHARITY Massage Therapist Hair Skin Waxing Massage RochesterWomen Magazine TAP HOUSE VICTORIAS SM AL L ? HOPLrIoDoAYf AADcSc e p ta n cLaeyout PM Page Please Read Carefully VICTORIA ? S This proof is submitted to ensure the accuracy of your order We exercise reasonable care to avoid errors but the customer is responsible for the ?nal decision with this order and assumes full responsibility Clearly mark any corrections We are not responsible for errors not indicated at this time Author ? s HIBERNATIONKIT alterations may be chargeable after the second proof at a cost of for each additional proof NOTE The color you view on your monitor or laser proof will not be exact to what we print Color accuracy of laser proofs and PDF ?les are at the mercy of the medium Please mark appropriate level of approval below sign and return with original copySomf aallll pPraonofPs asta I Salad I Rolls o Ok To Proceed To Next Proof ChUantegnesislsNIoFteeedds People o Call Ok To Print With Corrections Marked

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