Guide 2023 05 29T190715 194
SB- A Ask OrangeTM Provides solutions to process problems How To Choose Use Magnetic Separators Complete guide to Magnetic Materials and Separation Equipment World authority in advanced technology for magnetic vibratory and inspection applications It ? s not magic it ? s ERIEZ HOW TO CHOOSE AND USE MAGNETIC SEPARATORS INTRODUCTION MAGNET MATERIALS STYLES APPLICATION CONSIDERATIONS TYPE OF MATERIAL BEING PROCESSED SEPARATION EQUIPMENT - PLATE MAGNETS SEPARATION EQUIPMENT - GRATE MAGNETS SEPARATION EQUIPMENT - LIQUID LINE TRAP MAGNETS SEPARATION EQUIPMENT - PNEUMATIC LINE RF MAGNETS SEPARATION EQUIPMENT - SUSPENDED MAGNETS SEPARATION EQUIPMENT - MAGNETIC PULLEYS AND DRUMS - SEPARATION EQUIPMENT - HIGH INTENSITY MAGNETICS SEPARATION EQUIPMENT FOR NONFERROUS METALS Page Ask OrangeTM is a collection of process solution case studies and how-to reference manuals designed to improve understanding and simplify specifying sophisticated magnetic vibratory and metal detection equipment needed in most process industries Most of this equipment requires an understanding of its intended use in order to determine proper application The ??Professor ? icon has been developed to help customers identify Ask OrangeTM material in printed trade publications company literature and on its web site The Ask Orange concept and related images are a tribute to the company ? s founder Orange F Merwin and his innovative ideas using magnets to remove metal contamination from various process ows HOW TO CHOOSE AND USE MAGNETIC SEPARATORS The use of magnets for removing ferrous contaminants in an industrial environment ? ?? ?rst ? began ? in ? the ? s ? when ? Orange ? F ? Merwin ? developed ? a ? ? at ? magnetic ? product ? to ? help ? farmers ? trap ? and ? remove ? metal ? contaminants ? from ? their ? grain ? chutes ? At ? the ? time ? unwanted ? or ? ??tramp ? ? metal ? in ? the ? grain ? ? ow ? often ? created ? a ? spark ? that ? would ? ignite ? the ? explosive ? dust ? causing ? ?? ?res ? ? sometimes ? with ? catastrophic ? results ? Orange ? s ? early ? version ? of ? today ? s ? plate ? magnet ? was ? a ? huge ? success ? and ? led ? to ? the ? founding ? of ? Eriez ? Magnetics ? After ? more ? than ? ? years ? Eriez ? remains ? the ? world ? s ? authority ? in ? magnetic ? separation ? solutions ? for ? industry ? ? ? Ferrous ? metal ? contamination ? damages ? process ? equipment ? and ? creates ? impure ? product ? that ? must ? be ? scrapped ? or ? sold ? at ? less ? than ? full ? value ? This ? metallic ? contamination ? may ? come ? from ? a ? variety ? of ? sources ? ? Incoming ? products ? may ? contain ? contaminants ?
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- Publié le Oct 28, 2021
- Catégorie Geography / Geogra...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 246kB