Hunting guide pig pdf Guide To Hunting Wild Pigs in California If you are interested in wild pig hunting in California this guide will provide information on hunting methods hunting areas necessary equipment and the legal requirements for hunting wild pig

Guide To Hunting Wild Pigs in California If you are interested in wild pig hunting in California this guide will provide information on hunting methods hunting areas necessary equipment and the legal requirements for hunting wild pigs Revised August STATE OF CALIFORNIA Arnold Schwarzenegger Governor DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME L Ryan Brodderick Director WILDLIFE PROGRAMS BRANCH David S Zezulak Ph D Chief Written by John Waithman Design and Layout Lorna Bernard Alison J Kenward Cover Photo K Longmore Public Lands Maps Vikki Avara David Snider MaryLisa Lynch Guide To Hunting Wild Pigs in California Guide To Hunting Wild Pigs in California Table of Contents General Background History as a game species in California Natural history Physical description Basic biology Habitat requirements Behavior General Hunting Considerations and Requirements Safety Equipment checklist Ethics Required licenses and tags Legal status of wild pigs and general hunting laws Legal methods of take How to Hunt Wild Pigs Methods of take Firearms Recommended calibers bullets weights Archery Reported wild pig harvest by county Estimated pig harvest on public v s private land Methods for locating wild pigs Hunting techniques for wild pigs Stand hunting posting Spotting and stalking Still hunting Group hunting Hunting with dogs Tracking Locating shot animals Dispatching wounded animals Where to Hunt Wild Pigs Hunting area options Private land Wild pig range in California Public land Care of Game Field dressing Care of meat Disease considerations The Final Reward Wild Pig Recipes Public Lands For Hunting Wild Pigs Northern California ?? North Coast Sacramento Valley ?? Central Sierra Central Coast San Joaquin Valley ?? Southern Sierra South Coast Glossary Sources of Information Guide To Hunting Wild Pigs in California Guide To Hunting Wild Pigs in California General Background History as a Game Species in California Pigs Sus scrofa are not native to North America and did not exist in California before the early s Spanish and Russian explorers and settlers introduced domestic swine to California and allowed them to forage freely especially in the fall to take advantage of fallen acorns This practice allowed many pigs to become ??feral ? Since those early days the odd domestic pig has escaped and been added to the wild population In the s a Monterey County landowner introduced the European wild boar a wild subspecies of Sus scrofa into California European wild stock from this introduction bred with the established feral pig population resulting in a wild boar feral domestic pig hybrid Prior to the mid- s wild pigs were unclassi ?ed under state law During this period wild pigs could be killed with no restrictions In the wild pig was designated as a game mammal by the State Legislature To manage this resource according to the goals established by the Legislature the Fish and Game Commission established hunting seasons bag and possession limits methods of take and conditions for using dogs Fish and Game Code FGC Sections through were added in They require hunters to possess wild pig license tags to hunt wild

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