Returning to the workplace bangalore india

Returning to the workplace Bangalore - India CIntroduction Welcome Back Nutants It is with a sense of excitement and cautious optimism that we welcome you back to the o ?ce Over the past one and half years we have all been through both professional and personal challenges We have been tested had to adjust and evolve and learned how to work and live from wherever we were As each of us thinks about going back to our physical o ?ce you must decide for yourself when is the right time to go back in Wherever you decide to work this transitional period will be a time of experimentation We will have people working from home working in the o ?ce or working from anywhere Now is the time to ?gure out the best schedule for your teams the best way to include everyone wherever they are in your meetings phone calls discussions It ? s a time for us to ?gure out how we really work ? how Nutanix really works We will ?gure out together the best way for Nutanix to work today and into the future If you do come into the o ?ce we ? ve put together this guide on what to expect Our focus is your health and safety Your Real Estate and Workplace REW team CTable of contents Introduction Healthy workplace Nutant ? s responsibilities Healthy workplace Nutanix responsibilities New practices clean desk policy my workstation clean worksurface policy I meetings and gathering How we return How we return New hires Existing employees New practices public spaces social distancing How we return seating plan People Team Protocols if you test positive for COVID - Protocols If you are listed on contact tracing manifest for COVID- REW support transport campus parking New practices public spaces I campus amenities Information technology Helpful links CHealthy workplace Nutant ? s personal responsibility ? what you can do to help maintain a safe workplace Each of us has a personal responsibility to ensure we keep ourselves and each other healthy Below are friendly reminders on how to maintain a safe workplace ? Come into the o ?ce if you are WELL If you feel sick or feverish please stay HOME and help prevent the spread of illness in the workplace If you feel ill whether COVID related or not ? Let your Manager People team know if think you have been exposed to COVID- ? Please utilize the hand sanitizing stations centrally located throughout the o ?ce Use disinfectant products provided in meeting rooms and other high touch areas ? Masks are to be always worn within the workplace ? Wash your hands frequently for at least seconds ? Remind those you work with outside the company that we have a ??NO Visitors ? policy until further notice This includes family members and children There's no onsite Interviews for candidates ? For latest O ?ce Requirements Visit intranet Return to Work Status ? Comply with ??Clean Desk Policy ?

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