Lighting guide Technical collection Lighting circuits guide Simple solutions for control and protection of lighting circuits General Content Energy E ?ciency challenge p Lighting circuits selection and dimensioning Guide p Lighting control simple solution

Technical collection Lighting circuits guide Simple solutions for control and protection of lighting circuits General Content Energy E ?ciency challenge p Lighting circuits selection and dimensioning Guide p Lighting control simple solutions p Energy What is in our future The required emissions reduction of GHG Greenhouse Gas to stabilize the greenhouse e ?ect by Possible savings with today ? s technology that could reduce emissions or electrify the rest of the non electri ?ed world Challenges Why the pressure on energy use will not go away World energy consumption has risen since It is projected to be higher by Emerging markets including China and India account for more than of new demand placing new pressures on global resources Meanwhile mature markets such as North America Europe and Japan will also face increased demand and limited resources These mature markets will continue legislating to reduce consumption shift to alternative energy sources and improve energy security Increased resources competition and political instability will cause oil and natural gas prices to remain at or above current levels for the foreseeable future Coal will continue to be a cheap and plentiful resource especially in emerging markets This will maintain pressure on reducing emissions and sustain the need for global climate change actions More than ever global warming is at the top of the agenda Environmental concerns and public opinion on climate change will drive continued actions by legislators opinion leaders and special interest groups forcing industry to respond The trends we see now will continue for the next years Quadrillion Btu History Projections ?? We must learn to adapt and manage energy consumption energy costs and pollutants ? Prepare Understand Energy savings in could avoid the construction of new power plants Challenges We can all adapt to the new energy world Energy use reduction and management will be a continued focus of policy makers Key targets for future policies will be Limiting ?nal energy consumption in all sectors Measuring and tracking energy use to establish benchmarks and targets Promoting alternative green energy sources and technologies Opening markets to promote emissions trading and demand reduction Buildings and Industry o ?er the largest and most accessible opportunities for savings Commit to understand the impact and opportunity in your business Energy e ?ciency is the quickest cheapest cleanest way to extend our world ? s energy supplies Industry Over of consumed energy Motors account for of the electricity usage Average facility can reduce its energy consumption by to Buildings Over of consumed energy and goring EU US key areas HVAC lighting integrated building solutions Technical projects can yield up to of energy savings Residential Over of consumed energy EU US Using energy e ?cient products may save to electricity ?? Schneider Electric has made this commitment and we can help you ? Enabling Energy saving Energy savings is feasible now with today ? s technologies Challenges Solutions that enable and sustain energy e ?ciency Our products solutions are at every link in the energy chain enabling to

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