Ong et al 2021 ONLINE JOURNAL FOR TVET PRACTITIONERS VOL NO - ? Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia Publisher ? s O ?ce OJ-TP https publisher uthm edu my ojs index php oj-tp e-ISSN - Online Journal for TVET Practitioners Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Ke

ONLINE JOURNAL FOR TVET PRACTITIONERS VOL NO - ? Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia Publisher ? s O ?ce OJ-TP https publisher uthm edu my ojs index php oj-tp e-ISSN - Online Journal for TVET Practitioners Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Keterlibatan Pelajar Bidang Teknologi Kimpalan dalam Ko-Kurikulum di Kolej Vokasional Factors that In uence Welding Technology Students ? Involvement in Co- Curriculum at Vocational College Tze Ching Ong Tengku Mohamad Amer Tengku Mohamad Nazili Chee Sern Lai Politeknik Kuching Sarawak Jalan Matang Kuching MALAYSIA Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia Parit Raja Batu Pahat MALAYSIA Corresponding Author DOI https doi org ojtp Received May Accepted August Available online September Abstract Co- curriculum is part of the studies program curriculum that involves activities outside of the classroom There are a few factors in uencing students ? involvement in co-curriculum Nevertheless within the context of Vocational Colleges research that focuses on ?nding out in uencing factors for the Welding Technology students ? s involvement in co-curriculum is fairly scarce Therefore this research was conducted to identify the factors that in uence welding technology students' involvement in co-curriculum at a Vocational College in Johor A total of respondents were invited to particapte in this research A set of questionnaire that has gone through expert validation and reliability determination process was used for data collection In general the results showed that the factors in uencing students ? involvement in co- curriculum were at a high level as indicated in the factors of teacher interest facilities and academic Apart from that the multiple regression analysis revealed that teacher was the only signi ?cant factor that in uenced students ? involvement in co-curriculum In conclusion teachers should be more proactive and play a more e ?ective role in order to make students ? involvement in the co-curriculum in Vocational Colleges more active and meaningful Keywords Involvement co-curriculum Vocational College Corresponding author tze poliku edu my UTHM Publisher All rights reserved https publisher uthm edu my ojs index php oj-tp CTze et al Online Journal for TVET Practitioners Vol No p - Abstrak Ko-kurikulum adalah sebahagian daripada kurikulum asas yang melibatkan kegiatan atau aktiviti di luar kelas selain daripada subjek akademik yang wajib dipelajari oleh pelajar Terdapat beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi keterlibatan pelajar dalam ko-kurikulum tetapi kajian tentang penentuan faktor pengaruh terhadap keterlibatan pelajar dalam bidang Teknologi Kimpalan dalam ko-kurikulum dalam konteks kolej vokasional masih kurang dilakasnakan Tujuan kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengenalpasti faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keterlibatan pelajar bidang Teknologi Kimpalan dalam ko-kurikulum di Kolej Vokasional Kajian ini melibatkan seramai orang responden yang terdiri daripada para pelajar Teknologi Kimpalan di sebuah Kolej Vokasional negeri Johor Proses pengumpulan data dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan borang soal selidik yang telah melalui proses pengesahan pakar dan penentuan kebolehpercaya Secara keseluruhannya dapatan kajian menunjukkan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keterlibatan pelajar dalam ko-kurikulum berada padat tahap yang tinggi iaitu faktor guru faktor minat faktor kemudahan dan faktor akademik Manakala ujian regresi pula menunjukkan faktor guru merupakan faktor dominan yang signi ?kan yang mempengaruhi keterlibatan pelajar dalam ko-kurikulum

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