Participant guide GLO -BUS Participant ? s Guide Developing Winning Competitive Strategies Edition Created by Arthur A Thompson Jr The University of Alabama Gregory J Stappenbeck GLO -BUS Software Inc Mark A Reidenbach GLO -BUS Software Inc Ira F Thrasher
GLO -BUS Participant ? s Guide Developing Winning Competitive Strategies Edition Created by Arthur A Thompson Jr The University of Alabama Gregory J Stappenbeck GLO -BUS Software Inc Mark A Reidenbach GLO -BUS Software Inc Ira F Thrasher GLO -BUS Software Inc Christopher C Harms GLO -BUS Software Inc GLO -BUS is published and marketed exclusively by McGraw-Hill Education Inc Burr Ridge Parkway Burr Ridge IL Copyright ? by GLO -BUS Software Inc All rights reserved No part of this document may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means or stored in a database or retrieval system without the prior written consent of GLO -BUS Software Inc including but not limited to in any network or other electronic storage or transmission or broadcast for distance learning CGLO -BUS Developing Winning Competitive Strategies Participant ? s Guide GLO -BUS This Participant ? s Guide provides you with information about GLO -BUS and suggestions for successfully managing your camera and drone company Here is a quick reference to the contents How the GLO -BUS Exercise Works Your Company ? s Operations The Worldwide Market for Action-Capture Cameras The Worldwide Market for UAV Drones Performance Quality P Q Ratings of AC Cameras and UAV Drones The Retailers and Buyers of Action-Capture Cameras and UAV Drones The Competitive Factors that Determine AC Camera Sales and Market Share The Competitive Factors that Determine UAV Drone Sales and Market Share The Importance of the Competitive Factors that Determine Sales and Market Share Crafting a Strategy to Be Competitively Successful Making Decisions Product Design Decisions AC Camera Marketing Decisions UAV Drone Marketing Decisions Compensation Training and Facilities Decisions Corporate Social Responsibility and Citizenship Decisions Finance and Cash Flow Decisions Decision-Making Procedures What the Board of Directors Expects Results in Five Key Areas Scoring Your Company ? s Performance Important Advice What You Can Expect to Learn Welcome to GLO -BUS You are taking over the operation of a company that is in a neck-and-neck race for global market leadership in two product categories action-capture cameras comparable to those designed and marketed by global industry leader GoPro and unmanned aerial view UAV drones that incorporate a company designed and assembled action-capture camera Your company competes against rival companies that design assemble and market these same two products and that are run by other members of your class All makers of these two products ??action-capture AC cameras and UAV drones ??compete head-to-head in four market regions across the world ??EuropeAfrica Asia-Paci ?c Latin America and North America and all companies currently have the same unit sales volumes revenues and global market shares in both product categories In the most recent year your company had worldwide sales of action-capture cameras and UAV drones Prior-year revenues were million and net earnings were million equal to per share of common stock The company is in sound ?nancial condition is performing well and its cameras and drones are well-regarded by buyers Your company ? s board of directors has
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- Publié le Jul 25, 2021
- Catégorie Geography / Geogra...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 247.1kB