Phonics guide Guide to Phonics Pathways Reading Pathways Guide To Phonics Pathways And Reading Pathways Dolores G Hiskes ? Dolores G Hiskes Guide to Phonics Pathways Reading Pathways Although many customers have said ??Phonics Pathways almost seems to tea
Guide to Phonics Pathways Reading Pathways Guide To Phonics Pathways And Reading Pathways Dolores G Hiskes ? Dolores G Hiskes Guide to Phonics Pathways Reading Pathways Although many customers have said ??Phonics Pathways almost seems to teach itself ? from time to time parents and teachers have requested more detailed information on exactly how to most e ?ectively use these materials This is especially true now that its companion book of reading exercises Reading Pathways is here How do these books ?t together Do you have to ?nish one before beginning the other This manual is intended to be a guide to show you how to navigate incorporate and blend these two books together for maximum reading uency We do hope you will enjoy these special ?eld-tested tips tools and techniques and ?nd them useful We also hope that you will continue sending us your creative comments and suggestions Your feedback is most valuable and welcome ??as always Dolores Dorb ks A registered trademark of Dorbooks Inc P O Box Livermore CA www dorbooks com dor dorbooks com ? Dolores G Hiskes ISBN - - - ? Dolores G Hiskes Guide to Phonics Pathways Reading Pathways TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Phonics Pathways Overview Reading Pathways Overview GUIDE TO PHONICS PATHWAYS Preparation Short Sheet of Vowels Short Vowel Sounds Blending Sounds Into Syllables Building Syllables Into Words Building Words Into Sentences GUIDE TO READING PATHWAYS Introduction and Correlation Chart Simple Pyramids Multisyllable-Word Pyramids Mini- Pyramids Pyramids Games ELL Remedial Comprehension Spelling Surprise A Delicious Easy-To- Digest Phonics Cake ? Dolores G Hiskes Guide to Phonics Pathways Reading Pathways INTRODUCTION P honics Pathways teaches the mechanics of reading using unpredictable reading practice to ensure knowledge and retention of all the basics It uses explicit phonics to teach reading to beginning and remedial readers of all ages with an easyto-use foolproof method It is organized by sounds and spelling patterns which are introduced one at a time and slowly built into syllables words phrases and sentences Each lesson is ?lled with extensive examples word lists and practice readings that are percent decodable Phonics Pathways contains comprehensive spelling rules gathered from English-speaking countries worldwide including New Zealand Australia The United Kingdom and Canada which are embedded in the instructional method throughout the book R eading Pathways teaches reading uency using predictable sca ?olded reading practice of slowly increasing length and complexity It parallels the same lesson format as that in Phonics Pathways and is designed to enhance and reinforce those lessons Reading Pathways employs a unique pyramid format to nurture and develop accurate and uent reading skills in an especially e ?ective and enjoyable manner While either book can be used alone very successfully these books complement and enhance each other and are especially e ?ective when used as a pair They each follow the same sequence of instruction Used just a short time every day they are an ideal supplement to enhance any current classroom reading method and make it more e ?ective
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- Publié le Jui 26, 2022
- Catégorie Geography / Geogra...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 76.3kB