Program evaluation models and related theories amee guide no 67

Med Teach Downloaded from informahealthcare com by Prof Eliana Amaral on For personal use only e ??e WEB PAPER AMEE GUIDE Program evaluation models and related theories AMEE Guide No ANN W FRYE PAUL A HEMMER O ?ce of Educational Development University of Texas Medical Branch University Boulevard Galveston Texas - USA Department of Medicine Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences F Edward Hebert School of Medicine Bethesda MD USA Abstract This Guide reviews theories of science that have in uenced the development of common educational evaluation models Educators can be more con ?dent when choosing an appropriate evaluation model if they ?rst consider the model ? s theoretical basis against their program ? s complexity and their own evaluation needs Reductionism system theory and most recently complexity theory have inspired the development of models commonly applied in evaluation studies today This Guide describes experimental and quasi-experimental models Kirkpatrick ? s four-level model the Logic Model and the CIPP Context Input Process Product model in the context of the theories that in uenced their development and that limit or support their ability to do what educators need The goal of this Guide is for educators to become more competent and con ?dent in being able to design educational program evaluations that support intentional program improvement while adequately documenting or describing the changes and outcomes ??intended and unintended ??associated with their programs Introduction Program evaluation is an essential responsibility for anyone overseeing a medical education program A ? ? program ? ? may be as small as an individual class session a course or a clerkship rotation in medical school or it may be as large as the whole of an educational program The ? ? program ? ? might be situated in a medical school during postgraduate training or throughout continuing professional development All such programs deserve a strong evaluation plan Several detailed and well written articles guides and textbooks about educational program evaluation provide overviews and focus on the ? ? how to ? ? of program evaluation Woodward Goldie Musick Durning et al Frechtling Stu ebeam Shink ?eld Hawkins Holmboe Cook Durning Hemmer Patton Medical educators should be familiar with these and have some of them available as resources This Guide will be most helpful for medical educators who wish to familiarize themselves with the theoretical bases for common program evaluation approaches so that they can make informed evaluation choices Educators engaged in program development or examining an existing educational program will ?nd that understanding theoretical principles related to common evaluation models will help them be more creative and e ?ective evaluators Similar gains will apply when an education manager engages an external evaluator or is helping to evaluate someone else ? s program Our hope is that Practice points Educational programs are fundamentally about change program evaluation should be designed to determine whether change has occurred Change can be intended or unintended program evaluation should examine for both Program evaluation studies have been strongly in uenced

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