Ranger guide Skill Build If you ? re ready for the uphill journey of a Ranger here ? s a level - guide for your skills At level the build branches out with the left side being the Pure DEX build and the right side being for Pure INT IvI ?? Slow Shot IvI ?

Skill Build If you ? re ready for the uphill journey of a Ranger here ? s a level - guide for your skills At level the build branches out with the left side being the Pure DEX build and the right side being for Pure INT IvI ?? Slow Shot IvI ?? Agility IvI ?? Agility IvI ?? Activate TK-X IvI ?? Agility IvI ?? Agility IvI ?? Agility IvI ?? Agility IvI ?? Re ect Shot IvI ?? Agility IvI ?? Agility IvI ?? Agility IvI ?? Agility MAX IvI ?? Fast Skill IvI ?? Fast Skill IvI ?? Fast Skill IvI ?? Fast Skill IvI ?? Fast Skill IvI ?? Extreme Kill IvI ?? Upgrade Weapon IvI ?? Upgrade Weapon IvI ?? Upgrade Weapon IvI ?? Upgrade Weapon IvI ?? Lightning Bolt IvI ?? Upgrade Weapon IvI ?? Upgrade Weapon IvI ?? Upgrade Weapon IvI ?? Psychic Link IvI ?? Concentrated Shot IvI ?? Upgrade Weapon IvI ?? Upgrade Weapon IvI ?? Upgrade Weapon MAX IvI ?? Fast Skill Psychic Link IvI ?? Fast Skill Psychic Link IvI ?? Fast Skill Psychic Link IvI ?? Fast Skill Psychic Link IvI ?? Fast Skill MAX Psychic Link IvI ?? Force Weapon IvI ?? Thunderbolt IvI ?? Thunderbolt CIvI ?? Area Zero IvI ?? Area Zero IvI ?? Fatal Shot Psychic Link IvI ?? Fatal Shot Psychic Link IvI ?? Fatal Shot Psychic Link IvI ?? Fatal Shot Psychic Link MAX IvI ?? Fatal Shot Force Weapon IvI ?? Fatal Shot Force Weapon IvI ?? Fatal Shot Force Weapon After this continue maxing out all of the passive skills except for Psychic Link and Force Weapon for Pure DEX builds while adding into your active skills when you want to The bu ?s aren ? t great on this class like most of the other classes and I like to keep a maximum of skills anyways so that I don ? t have to switch my skill bars back and forth If you ? re a Pure INT build you ? ll have less skill points to spend so I recommend you skip out on maxing skills like Scope Tips In the early stages of the game you may be very low on money so avoid quests that ask you to buy expensive potions like the woman who needs you to buy a potion from the dark merchant for gold You can always come back Use your TK little mechanical robot-tank thing to not only help divert attention but to also block projectile attacks Each hit can be deadly so this thing can be very useful Your TK can also gather your enemies up as you charge up your super attack for some pretty awesome damage Also remember to have your SP quenched ?? it takes up a lot of it The ?rst few bosses in Zenonia can be pretty di ?cult because they can kill you in a hit or two Beat them by having a nonstop stream

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