String harmonics guide STRING WRITING Slurs indicate bow changes ? ? Only provide up-bow and down-bow symbols if they are not obvious to the player String indications you can indicate a note or passage is to be played on a speci ?c string in two ways usin
STRING WRITING Slurs indicate bow changes ? ? Only provide up-bow and down-bow symbols if they are not obvious to the player String indications you can indicate a note or passage is to be played on a speci ?c string in two ways using ? sul ? notation e g ? sul G ? or Roman numeral indications ?? I II III IV ?? from highest to lowest Make sure it ? s clear how long the string indication lasts for you might use a bracket Only use string indications if one of the following applies ?? you ? re using a diamond-head natural harmonic see below ?? you have a downward glissando that ? crosses over ? the pitch of an open string ?? you want to specify a string for colouristic reasons e g playing in high positions ?? the desired string is not immediately obvious e g to indicate a tremolo between two strings Multiple stops can be di ?cult to write well if you ? re not a string player A general rule is any double stop that includes an open string is easy Otherwise intervals from a semitone to an octave are possible but ?fths can be awkward and hard to get in tune Sixths are the most comfortable Avoid fast changes between multiple-stops Check them with a performer STRING HARMONICS There are two main methods of producing harmonics on string instruments natural and false or arti ?cial Natural harmonics are played with one ?nger false with two NATURAL HARMONICS are created by lightly touching the string with one ?nger of the left hand which will NZSM GNTp ?? ?? uhraidoetedurcdbaeutr utbIIt o a ? hhcantetttletMtee O ? ?O ? ? ?OO - ? ? O ?O ?-O ?O ? ?w ? ? ?OO ?O ?- ?OOOVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVooooonVVVVih oo h s hsmhc ? ?jj jrrjoeoeiiiiiiiiiiiioiiiiipiN ooooooooooo - iiiiniiii - - niiiiiiiia e rnnnnnnnnbhtnnnnnnnnritat ? ?dftjdc ? ?aaf e hhbb e yhbb etsI IIIiIIbiIII OO - ? ?OOeniIceOsIOOnIIO ? ?-oIIOO - ? ?oOeIO cIOrIIoIIooO ? ?o ?OoIaoIIIdIIoI tIoIIIIgtg ntn ? ? pb ? t ? uttt nguhhi ImI fIhioo er ?O ? ?O - ?O ?t mf IIIOtVVVVVVV oo f mIIIse e a ?O ? ? ? ?O ?OO - aIfI Im ?-vO - ?paVVVVVVV coo - ?O ? ?O ?O ?fc - OVVVVVVV ?-O ? ? ? ?OO ?OjooI- ?IO IVVVVVVVuooIatrI fIiiiibIIt OeIjO ?J ? ?-bOhOfI ?- J ? ?IIOOOIheIO OojfIoIh ?J- ? ? ?OiiiiooooOIe ?Iaj OOIIoJ ? ? ?- OIsiiiii ?aOIIoiiii ?oooooI Oo onoooooooooolllldtO oaiol i- lllliiii uv lsllllen v sllll -riiiipnnnn y - iiiis- iiii nnnneps m ?ennnn ? ?nnnn ? ?t ?ten ? ?d ? ? ?buc ? ? ? ?i o hbIr IIj ? ojb tnoba ? ?jOOr IIOaIIII ioIjjII O ?- ?fOOfIcOeII ?- ? oOOjnpeOIO - ? ?IOOtIIpoIIIOO ?nIIo ?oI ?OII ?Os ?IOoI-O ?OhIIOIIoO - ?IOu OoI ?OIa ?eogIeO - ? ?OOIseItio ?tI- ?O ?j ?OOIj ?Iocbtrrjhnarnw ? ja ? ee ? i ? ums ?e ?nnls ?diset ?tgth tt- ?e
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- Publié le Dec 28, 2021
- Catégorie Geography / Geogra...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 51.8kB