User guide 23 ANALYSIS PROGRAMS USING RADAR BEACON ANALYSIS TOOL RBAT CHUCK BAXTER FEB Page of CRadar Beacon Analysis Tool RBAT OVERVIEW A set of analysis programs has been developed for FAA radar systems at the FAA Technical Center AJP- These programs ar

ANALYSIS PROGRAMS USING RADAR BEACON ANALYSIS TOOL RBAT CHUCK BAXTER FEB Page of CRadar Beacon Analysis Tool RBAT OVERVIEW A set of analysis programs has been developed for FAA radar systems at the FAA Technical Center AJP- These programs are executed under Windows on a PC INPUT These programs were originally designed for CD- record ?les but now work with ASTERIX Sensis and RS ?les These are cumulatively called extraction ?les OUTPUTS The programs can provide additional extraction ?les that have been ?ltered or enhanced to become the input ?le for further analysis The normal output ?les are a text ?le and a plot ?le PURPOSE OF RBAT SOFTWARE The RBAT software is used to analyze surveillance performance both beacon and primary radar FAA ?eld technicians use RBAT to evaluate and certify their systems Some of the performance parameters measured are coverage detection range accuracy azimuth accuracy and false targets RBAT PROGRAMS Analysis Programs Beacon and Radar Coverage - calculates and plots the coverage of di ?erent regions cells of the airspace It provides minimum altitude and elevation angle for each cell Beacon False Target Summary - identi ?es beacon false targets and groups them into several false target categories splits ring-a-round PRF interference uplink re ections downlink re ections Terra ATCRBS Mode S and other categories Con ict Analysis - this program looks at the situations where two or more aircraft are close to each other Two tracks are in con ict if they are in each other ? s user speci ?ed range and azimuth windows The text ?le provides surveillance statistics for each con ict Plots of the con icting tracks are also provided Duplicate Search Analysis - used for D radars A search message is a duplicate if There is another message with the same range azimuth and height Or Page of CThere is radar reinforced beacon message with the same height that falls within user de ?ned range and azimuth criteria Enhanced Surveillance - processes the Mode S transponder environment This program requires an ASTERIX ?le from the ATCBI- The Mode S data is searched for the transponder GICB register data It looks at communications capability speci ?c services capability altitude resolution squitter capability etc Filter - comprehensive ?lter program that is used to provide another CD- record or ASTERIX ?le that only contains the messages needed for further analysis Range azimuth codes altitude etc are some of the ?lters that can be selected Fixed Transponder Accuracy - usually two ?xed transponders are installed at each beacon facility Sometimes called a PARROT and sometimes called a CPME These transponders are monitored by di ?erent systems The program calculates the azimuth and range accuracy by comparing the data against the known position Moving Track Filter - produces another CD- record or ASTERIX ?le that contains all of the messages that pass the moving track ?lter The user may ?rst run Surveillance Analysis to determine the track of interest and input that track number to Moving Track

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