Wehmer study model trimming guide

WEHMER Study Model Trimming Guide Trimming Tips Before you start trimming here's a few guidelines that will help you get the most out of your trimming procedures - Always follow the plaster manufacturer ? s mix ratio for plaster and water Consistent measured mix ratios minimize shrinkage and maximize material strength Always mix your plaster or stone under vacuum and pour while vibrating to avoid air bubbles When pouring your model make sure that the bottom of the impression tray the occlusal surface of the impression and the bottom of the base former or boat are all parallel Otherwise you'll start o ? with the teeth on an angle and you'll have to compensate by removing lots of material from the base Soak your models in water for - minutes This will eliminate the heavy plaster slurry on the model and trimming table caused by the model absorbing water as you're trimming If using stone wheels turn on the trimmer and the water ow at least one minute before starting to grind plaster This will allow the wheels to get conditioned by water ow and grind to their maximum capability Let the wheels to do the cutting Excessive force in pushing the model onto the wheel squeezes out the water from between the model and the abrasive causing the wheel to clog - further reducing cutting capability Excessive force also slows down the speed of the motor reducing its e ?ciency and creating premature wear on mechanical components If you need to really lean on your wheel it's time to replace it You'll achieve your best results and ?nish by moving the model back and forth across the wheel as you're grinding and by using gentle but ?rm pressure Trimming Technique Upper Model Before beginning to trim occlude the upper and lower models with the wax bite in place and check the relationship of the last molars to each other If the molars of the lower model extend signi ?cantly further than the molars of the upper model add the distance of the extension to the mm distance in step Also if any plaster interferes with the models fully occluding remove it at this time with a lab knife Step Mark a light pencil line down the midline suture of the model for reference Coarse trim heel of upper model enough to square it to the midline Step Occlude upper model on rubber pad of squaring tool and take a swipe with the coarse wheel to establish a at surface on the base - parallel to the plane of occlusion Thickness of the model from base to occlusal surfaces should be about mm If it's larger occlude the model to the squaring tool and reduce base to proper size - - - help wehmer com CWEHMER Study Model Trimming Guide Step Place the freshly trimmed base on the trimming table and trim the heel of the model parallel to an imaginary line running between the distal surfaces of the last

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