Young persons guide to the ochestrar teacher s guide

The Dallas Symphony Orchestra Presents The Young Person ? s Guide to the Orchestra October and November and The Young Person ? s Guide to the Orchestra is probably Benjamin Britten ? s most performed work and with good reason Commissioned in for ?lm that would introduce British children to the orchestra the piece is a masterful essay on orchestral tone color It is cast in the form of a series of variations based on a hornpipe by th century British composer Henry Purcell Each variation features a di ?erent family of instruments in the orchestra and the whole piece concludes with a rousing fugue Sixty- ?ve years later it has now inspired generations of music lovers to learn and listen more What better place to experience such a powerful work than the glorious Morton H Meyerson Symphony Center For young children learning is experiential and multi-sensory and a concert at the Meyerson provides a rich and stimulating sensory environment The preparation and follow-up lessons suggested in this guide are designed to help teachers capitalize on this exciting learning experience with their students Recognizing that learning progresses from the known to the unknown and that repetition is essential to comprehension the lessons and activities in this guide are based on experiences that are accessible to the child both at school and at home The accompanying CD will be of enormous help here so feel free to use it in any way that will allow your students to become both familiar and comfortable with the music they will hear at the concert I ? m also excited to introduce you and your students to a new friend of the DSO Bleeckie Streetie You can read all about her on page and follow her exploits at the Meyerson on DSOkids com Young children are naturally responsive to music Because of this attending a Dallas Symphony Orchestra youth concert o ?ers a wide variety of learning opportunities and every lesson in this guide will help young listeners be attentive to and develop an understanding of some of the world ? s greatest music So take advantage of it I look forward to seeing both you and your students in the Fall Musically Yours Jamie Allen Director of Education Dallas Symphony Orchestra The Teacher Evaluation Survey for The Young Person ? s Guide to the Orchestra is available online at http www surveymonkey com s dsoyouthconcerts By taking this survey you will help us both to program future concerts and to receive funding to continue our outreach We appreciate your help Activities for the The Young Person ? s Guide to the Orchestra Teacher ? s Guide were prepared by the Dallas Symphony Orchestra ? s Curriculum Development Team Jamie Allen Linda Booth Gloria Lett Jane Aten Tony Driggers and Linda Arbolino This volume of the teacher ? s guide was produced and edited by Dallas Symphony Orchestra Education Sta ? Members Malori Fuchs and Jamie Allen Materials in this teacher ? s guide

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