Cp the michelin guide guangzhou 2018 en pdf

PRESS INFORMATION Guangzhou June The MICHELIN guide Guangzhou highlights restaurants in its very ?rst edition For the very ?rst time the MICHELIN guide team is pleased to unveil a selection of restaurants in Guangzhou re ecting the culinary richness of the city a true blend of extraordinary culinary know-how and authentic avors MICHELIN continues its international development wherever its inspectors ?nd interesting gastronomic cultures and traditions This Guangzhou edition is the ninth MICHELIN guide in Asia and the fourth in China Michael ELLIS International Director in charge of the MICHELIN guide comments ??This very ?rst Guangzhou selection highlights a great local gastronomic interest In this city the culinary scene re ects great talent in the kitchen wonderful ingredients and a mastery of di ?erent avors In summary Guangzhou has a wealth of astonishing restaurants with a strong and historical Cantonese background ? Eight restaurants obtain a star in the MICHELIN guide Guangzhou Bing Sheng Mansion championing innovative and re ?ned Cantonese fare gives the opportunity to taste some ingenious and spectacular dishes in one of its private rooms exuding understated glamour Bing Sheng Private Kitchen with its old-time charm décor o ?ers a menu focused on healthy cooking with seasonal ingredients Jade River has made meat dishes its specialty over the years like steamed sun ower seed- fed chicken delivered straight from the farm daily Jiang by Chef Fei located in the Mandarin Oriental Hotel is a very popular culinary destination in Guangzhou Here the chef bases his cooking on time-honored traditions but transforms them with remarkable creativity Lai Heen and chef Guo o ?er unique Cantonese dishes prepared using the best ingredients Lei Garden Yuexiu highlights traditional Cantonese fare o ?ering excellent long-boiled- soups or crispy roasted pork belly Wisca Haizhu an address where the crew follow ancient recipes passed down through generations for their quality Cantonese food Yu Yue Heen serves exquisite Cantonese dishes embodying the utmost ?nesse that the detail-oriented the chef insists on The Guangzhou Selection also features a total of restaurants awarded a Bib Gourmand a distinction as popular with chefs as it is with diners which recognizes establishments selected by the MICHELIN inspectors for their good value for money as they serve a quality menu for a maximum of CNY During their in-depth investigation inspectors found a lot of charming restaurants hidden addresses and small local shops and Tong Ji is one of them Tucked away in an alley this two-story no-frills establishment has been in business for more than years thanks to its famous dishes like steamed chicken or stir-fried ribbon rice noodles The Sichuan culture is also represented in the culinary landscape of Guangzhou with Ease o ?ering Sichuan cooking with a young modern presentation with great avors On the launch of the Guangzhou edition two restaurants are awarded special prizes Firstly Jian Ji wins the ??Respectable Recipe Award ? Here the E-Fu noodles have been made in-house for more than years using the traditional method and recipe which is a time

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  • Publié le Dec 21, 2022
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 37.3kB