Dbst guide 1 AD-A FEAP-UG- July MP GL- - FA ILIT E E NNEIN APPLCAn S A ORAM USER'S GUIDE User's Guide Double Bituminous Surface Treatment DTIC FELECTI L'F SEP by F William E Burke Jr U S Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station Vicksburg MS Appivwd ForP

AD-A FEAP-UG- July MP GL- - FA ILIT E E NNEIN APPLCAn S A ORAM USER'S GUIDE User's Guide Double Bituminous Surface Treatment DTIC FELECTI L'F SEP by F William E Burke Jr U S Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station Vicksburg MS Appivwd ForPuWlc Reline DimmibutlonIs Unimited - lexndia VC QU U S Army Centr for Public works Alexandria VA - m -e CDestroy this report when no longer needed Do not return it to the originator The ?ndings in this report are not to be construed as an o ?cial Department of the Army position unless so designated by other authorized documents The contents of this report are not to be used for advertising publication or promotional purposes Citation of trade names does not constitute an o ?cial endorsement or approval of the use of such commercial products CREPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE For A I OMS ft AGENCY USE ONLY eme bk TITLE AND SUBTITLE REPORT DATE I July User's Guide Double Bituminous Surface Treatment REPORT TYPE AND DATES COVERED Final report S FUNDING NUMBERS AUTHOR S William E Burke Jr PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME S AND ADORESS ES U S Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station Halls Ferry Road Vicksburg MS - SPONSORING IMONITORING AGENCY NAME S AND ADDRESS ES U S Army Center for Public Works Telegraph Road Alexandria VA - PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER Miscellaneous Paper GL- - SPONSORING MONITORING AGENCY REPORT NUMBER FEAP- UG- II SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES a DISTRIBUTION IAVAILABILITY STATEMENT Approved for public release distribution is unlimited b DISTRIBUTION CODE ABSTRACT Maximum words A double bituminous surface treatment is a method of pavement construction that involves two separate applications of asphalt binder material and mineral aggregate on a prepared surface Double bituminous surface treatments are used for surfacing roads and streets parking areas open storage areas and air ?eld shoulders and overruns This report includes discussions of the description applications bene ?ts limitations costs and recommended uses for double bituminous surface treatments Information on a double bituminous surface treatment demonstration site is also provided D h U L- SUIJECT TERMS See reverse j NUMBER OF PAGES PRICE CODE SECURITY C ASSNICATON OF REPORT UNCLASSIFIED NSN S - - - I SECURMT CLASSFICATION OF THIS PAGE UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSFICATION LIMITATION F ABSTRACT OF ABSTRACT I I ' A Standard Form Rev - Pr talhe by ANU Std Z W O C Concluded Asphalt cement Cutback asphalt cement Double bituminous surface treatment Emulsi ?ed asphalt cement Mineral aggregate AAccesion For TI S CRA M DTIC TAB Justi ?cation Distr ibin ri o Dist Secial CContents - Summary Description Application Bene ?ts I Limitations Costs Recommendations for Use Points of Contact - Preacquisition Description of Double Bituminous Surface Treatment Applications Design Methods Materials Construction Techniques Limitations Disadvantages FEAP Demonstration Implementation Site Life-Cycle Costs and Bene ?ts Advantages Bene ?ts -Acquisition Procurement Potential Funding Sources Technology Components and Sources Procurement Documents Procurement Scheduling -Post Acquisition Initial Implementation Operation and Maintenance Service and Support Requirements Performance Monitoring CReferences Appe ndix A Fact

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