Mamluk playing cards mayer 1939

MINISTÈRE DE L'ÉDUCATION NATIONALE DE L'ENSEIGNEMENT SUPÉRIEUR ET DE LA RECHERCHE CBULLETIN DE L ? INSTITUT FRANÇAIS D ? ARCHÉOLOGIE ORIENTALE Cen ligne en ligne en ligne en ligne en ligne en ligne en ligne en ligne en ligne en ligne BIFAO p - MAYER Leo Ary Mamluk playing cards avec planches Conditions d ? utilisations L ? utilisation du contenu de ce site est limitée à un usage personnel et non commercial Toute autre utilisation du site et de son contenu est soumise à une autorisation préalable de l ? éditeur contact AT ifao egnet net Le copyright est conservé par l ? éditeur Ifao Conditions of Use You may use content in this website only for your personal noncommercial use Any further use of this website and its content is forbidden unless you have obtained prior permission from the publisher contact AT ifao egnet net The copyright is retained by the publisher Ifao Dernières publications IF IF IF IF IF IF Actes de vente d'esclaves et d'animaux d'Égypte médiévale Yusuf Ragib Le développement du sou ?sme en Égypte à l'époque mamelouke - The DevelopmeCntollectif édité par Richard McGregor et Adam of Su ?sm in Mamluk Egypt Sabra Mons Claudianus III - Survey and Excavation Valerie A Max ?eld - David P S Peacock Mythes et légendes du Delta d'après le papyrus Brooklyn Dimitri Meeks Port-Sa? d - Architectures XIXe-XXe siècles Collectif Bulletin critique des Annales islamologiques Collectif ? Institut français d ? archéologie orientale - Le Caire CMAMLUK PLAYING CARDS BY L À MAYER Most historians are agreed that the European playing cards are of Oriental W and according to some more speci ?cally of Saracenic origin or that ?? although invented in the Far East ??they were received by the Europeans from Saracenic handsf It is surprising therefore that ??unless I mistake ?? not a single pack of Arabic playing cards has ever come to light This very C We need not discuss theories about cards having been invented in the Ancient East o g Nicolas DE LA MARE Traité de la Police Paris Jean et Pierre Got - vol I p ? or LE GENDRE M ?urs et coutumes des François Paris Collombat p both of whom believed that cards were ?rst made by the Lydians nor argue about the Egyptian origin of playing cai'ds as exposed by COURT DE GEBELIN Monde Primitif ou Dissertations mêlées Paris Diss VI p - as few scholars seem to take them seriously Among the few contemporaries however who apparently do mention should be made of Emiliano di PARRATICWO Three packs of Italian tarocco cards in Burlington Magazine vol Ill Dec pp - l pis Lord DESBOROUGH in The Times of rd March and ??if I understand him rightly ??ZOVELLO History and Origin of Playing Cards New-York g a work I have not seen myself To quote a small selection only BKNETON DE PEYRINS Dissertation sur Vorigine des jeux de hasard m Mercure Septembre pp reprinted in G LEBER Collection

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  • Publié le Aoû 01, 2022
  • Catégorie History / Histoire
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 54.2kB