fde bcv us 00495 read vehicles info api amp display in sub menus mass injection lot1

PRISM Fiche de Demande d ? Evolution ?? FDE ?? Template V BCV US - Read vehicles info API display in sub menus Massinjection Lot Type de ?che Type of request Demande d'évolutions avant projet lot Enhancement Request before the project lot Demande d'avenants pendant projet lot Amendment Request during the project lot Etat de la ?che State of the File l Créée Impacts évalués Created Evaluated Décidée Determined Décision Copier la synthèse de décision Change decision Copy the ?eld ??Realisation decision ? Projet Lot V Sept Product version lot Date de la demande Date of the request Etape Identi ?cation de la demande Step Request identi ?cation Lot version US Version on which is related the request Numéro de Fiche File Id Origine de la demande Request ? s origin Métier Business Autre Other l Informatique Locale Concepteur Fonctionelle Concepteur Technique Local IS team Business Analyst Technical Analyst Commentaire functional need Comment to precise the origin of request technical or functional architect exploitability other Métier Business person Nom Responsable En charge de la demande Request responsible Informatique Locale Concepteur Fonctionnel Concepteur Technique Local IS team Business Analyst Technical Analyst Nom Annie Nom Fahd HAROUACH Nom FONTAINE l Responsable Responsable Responsable Développeur Developer Nom Name Responsable Intitulé de la demande Request title Create a new sub menus to Read info vehicles and to ?lter display LOT Contexte général Global context Business Team needs a new extract info data accessible by BCV intranet The new tools will be comparable to actions carried out directly in BCV Mainframe via Macros Page CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF RENAULT Con ?dential C CPRISM Fiche de Demande d ? Evolution ?? FDE ?? Template V BCV US - Read vehicles info API display in sub menus Massinjection Lot Description de la demande Request Description Business Team needs a new extract info data accessible by BCV intranet The new tools will be comparable to actions carried out directly in BCV Mainframe via Macros A Submenus Access is limited to users who ? s have the authorization to access to menu Mass injection B When user click into the sub menus new pages screen will be displayed like this Page CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF RENAULT Con ?dential C CPRISM Fiche de Demande d ? Evolution ?? FDE ?? Template V BCV US - Read vehicles info API display in sub menus Massinjection Lot Datas will be displayed in a tree for example Identi ?ant Identi ?ant DAPJI Chassis Argument Lancement Argument Commercial Description Modele Version PRODEM PROTRAD Pays FG Options Teinte Sellerie Niveau equipement Niveau moteur Pneus Contremarque Zone de contremarque ? ? User can drag and drop any selected item to the second list Create a new dynamic API to extract datas from the second list input of this api are VIN INVARIANT OR PJI we must manage errors also Display into a new screen in a table and put an icon to extract the excel ?le Datas are present in BCVTT for mapping you can see below from

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