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Machine Translated by Google RumeliDE Journal of Language and Literature Studies S November Analysis of discursive strategies example of an article about the Coronavirus G Koçba? pp - -Analysis on discursive strategies Example of an article about the Coronavirus Gamze KOÇBA? APA Koçba? G Analysis on discursive strategies Example of an article about the Coronavirus RumeliDE Dil ve Edebiyat Ara? t? rmalar? Dergisi ? - DOI rumelide Summary Mass media has long been known as a ?eld intrinsic to and related to the studies of cultures Nowadays the media have a determined place in the process of construction and circulation of events particularly with regard to their abundance and their in uence on social life and on people's daily lives It is assumed that the news media possesses a genre of charged speech and the speaker of the message uses speci ?c strategies to create a change in the minds of the interlocutors In the media situations are identi ?ed under the auspices of social agents in which speci ?c contexts construct their own meanings on an event Media discourse can also be treated with regard to contextual considerations and it necessarily belongs to the ?eld of linguistics called pragmatics which takes into consideration questions such as who is speaking ? who speaks with whom When and why and other questions relevant to the analysis of interactional discourse In this work the research presented is based on a media corpus of quotes taken from an article in the newspaper Le Monde on the internet about the Coronavirus COVID- -an epidemic that began in China in and l World Health Organization WHO declared it a pandemic in March - In this regard we will try to observe how the discursive strategies reveal an ideological treatment in favor of certain social elements on this famous virus The objective here is therefore to reveal a di ?erent point of view at the level of the production of the speech made by the speaker sometimes with the help of puns and at the level of the interpretation of the speech made by the interlocutors Keywords mass media media discourse pragmatics discourse analysis discursive strategies S? ylemsel y? ntemler üzerine bir ç? zümleme Koronavirüs içerikli bir metin ? rne? i Oz Kitle ileti? im araçlar? kendine ? zgülü? ü ve kültürel çal? ? malara da yer veren bir alan olu? uyla uzun zamandan beri var olmaktad? r Medya olaylar? n olu? um ve yay? lma sürecinde sosyal hayata ve insanlar? n günlük ya? amlar? na etkileri bak? m? ndan ? zellikle de çok yayg? n olmas? yla günümüzde belirgin bir yere sahiptir Haber medyas? n? n zengin bir s? ylem türüne sahip oldu? u ve mesaj? ileten konu? mac? n? n hedef ald? ? ? kitlenin zihninde bir de? i? iklik yaratmak için belirli y? ntemler kulland? ? ? varsay? l? r Medyada belirli ba? lamlar? n bir olay üzerinde kendi anlamlar? n? in? a etti? i durumlar toplumdaki ki? ilerin g? zetimindedir Buradan hareketle
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- Publié le Apv 28, 2022
- Catégorie Industry / Industr...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 127.5kB