668359 module i week 2 3 prelim

MODULE I Week - Prelim The Meaning and Classi ?cation of Tour guide Description of Tour Guides Guides have been called the orphans of the travel industry - Tour guides operate independently as freelancers almost always from their homes - Many of them work for several agencies or organisations on a part-time basis De ?nition of Tour Guide Is one who conducts a tour or one with broad knowledge of a particular area whose primary duty is to inform - According to the Tour Guide Code of promulgated by the Department of Tourism ? A tour guide is an individual who is licensed by the local government and accredited by the Department of Tourism to guide tourists both foreign and domestic for a fee commission or any other form of lawful remuneration Synonyms for tour guide is local guide and city guide - Tour guide is widely used to describe the various professionals who are engaged in guiding people including tour managers docents and interpreters - In several parts of the world it is common for tour guides to have expertise in the culture and history of a broad region - In the Philippines many guides conduct tours in the broad regions of Luzon and the large provinces of Mindanao Types of Guides Urban guides Government guides Driver guides Business or industry guides Adventure guides Tour managers Interpreters Docents or volunteer guides CUrban Guides - Are those who take pleasure in telling the story of a city or region Government Guides - Guides to show their most important historic cultural political and scenic facilities to visitors Drivers Guides - Conducts tour driving motor coaches vans or cars - Driving-guiding in motor coaches is not allowed in Austria and Cyprus Business or Industry Guides - Conduct tours about the facilities to educate visitors promote their business or industry and uplift the image of a company Adventure Guides - Include mountaineering guides bicycle guides ?shing guides and rafting guides Tour Managers - Is one who manages a tour - The one who is responsible for the smooth operation of the group tour Interpreters - One who practices the art of explanation or as de ?ned by the National Association of Interpretation ??the art of revealing meanings and relationships in natural cultural recreational and historical resources Docents or Volunteer Guides - Found in most every city and town at visitor centers museums historic houses churches and other places that people usually visit CThe Traveler Classi ?cation of Travelers Explorers - Participant-observers who travel alone or in very small groups - Do not require special tourist accommodations or attractions Elite Travelers - Can a ?ord to spend much to have unusual travel experiences - Unlike explorers they demand some degree of comfort and amenities O ?-beat Tourists - Travel alone or in very small numbers - Avoid crowds other tourists and typical sightseeing - Adapt well to local lifestyles and amenities and pose few problems to local residents Unusual Tourists - Demand more amenities

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