Alarashi h 2016 ppna stone grooved pendants 1

Editorial Contributions Alhussain L ? Évolution des Débitages Laminaires Albukaai Les Foyers du Wadi Tumbaq Alarashi PPNA Stone Grooved Pendants Yartah B? timents Communautaires à Tell ? Abr Kanjou Mortuary Practices at Tell Qaramel Ayobi Représentations Animales en Terre à Halula Khawam et al Cause du Décès et Traitements Funéraires à Aswad Masthead NEO -LITHICS The Newsletter of Southwest Asian Neolithic Research Special Issue on the Neolithic of Syria Contents Editorial Contributions Imad Alhussain L ? évolution des débitages laminaires de l ? Épipaléolithique au Néolithique Diaa Eddin Ablukaai Les foyers du Wadi Tumbaq des aménagements domestiques du début du Néolithique en Syrie Centrale Hala Alarashi PPNA Stone Grooved Pendants from the Middle Euphrates Valley Markers of Cultural Identity Thaer Yartah Typologie de b? timents communautaires à Tell ? Abr PPNA en Syrie du Nord Youssef Kanjou Mortuary practices at Tell Qaramel North Syria from the Early Bronze Age and the Neolithic Period Rania Ayobi Les représentations animales en terre à Tell Halula un site Néolithique sur le Moyen Euphrate Rima Khawam Oussama Baker Olivier Dutour et Danielle Stordeur Cause du décès et traitements funéraires di ?érenciés à Tell Aswad au PPNB moyen récent Inhumation d ? un individu atteint de tuberculose Masthead Editorial The Near East is made up of a complex heterogeneous structure in geographical economic and geopolitical terms This complexity is evident in the very name itself Near East which is often referred to by alternative names such as ? south-west Asia ? and by the territorial boundaries of the states it comprises Sadly this region has su ?ered a long list of armed con icts due to in good part the colonial past of the modern states and subsequent geopolitical dynamics The con ict in Syria is not but the last chapter of a never-ending Machiavellian show taking place in the region After ?ve years of war people are still dying and the lives of millions of Syrians have been shattered and their life expectations burnt down to ashes In parallel to the obvious humanitarian drama the economic collapse of the country and the environmental e ?ects of war many Syrian heritage sites have been severely damaged if not destroyed and scienti ?c research has been reduced to the minimum expression From the second half of the th century to the present day archaeological research carried out in the region had been in uenced to varying degrees by the political situation but also by other non-scienti ?c issues such as the building of major infrastructures These elements had for many years a bearing on the presence of teams of di ?erent nationalities in certain countries an ? antinatural ? build-up of research teams in certain regions their work not always governed by scienti ?c-based priorities but adapted to the tempo and circumstances of the region and the creation of ? arti ?cial ? archaeological voids in areas where carrying out research work was extremely di ?cult if not a frivolity However the degree of destruction in

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