Business guide SHOPPING FOR A HOT DOG CART CHOOSE THE BEST We have a cart to suit everyone HOT DOG CART CTable of Contents a Getting a Business License p b Getting the Financing Arranged p - Sample Business Plan - Start Up Expenses Worksheet - Sample Comm

SHOPPING FOR A HOT DOG CART CHOOSE THE BEST We have a cart to suit everyone HOT DOG CART CTable of Contents a Getting a Business License p b Getting the Financing Arranged p - Sample Business Plan - Start Up Expenses Worksheet - Sample Commissary Agreement - Sample Rental Agreement - Negotiating for a Location - Day to Day Bookkeeping - a Sample Inventory Form - b Sample Statement Form - c Sample Day End Inventory Summary c Getting Health Dept Approvals p - - Health Dept Links - Health Guidelines d Searching for a Location p - - Location Ideas - How to Select a Location e Searching for Suppliers p - - Sample Inventory Reorder Form - Supplies List - Food Suppliers f Regular Schedule Events Calendar p - - Special Events List g Selecting Your Cart p h Transportation p i Management Guide p - C- Employer's Guide to Employees - Dress Deportment Hygiene Code - Employee Rules of Conduct - Employee Warning Notice - Employee Termination Notice j Hotdog Cart Operations and Maintenance Manual ? p - - Daily Check List - Inventory Reorder Form - Sample Menu k Frequently Asked Questions ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? p - - Health Department Questions l Marketing and Selling ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? p - - The Psychology of Selling - Advertising and Promotion Ideas - Sample Promo Flyer - Recipes m Tips for Success ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? p - CGetting a Business License There are three types of licenses that your local city hall may require that you have Business License Location Permit Special Events Permit Business Licenses are usually procured at city hall The cost usually varies from about to as much as per year depending on the city Often cities have information about business licenses posted on the city web site You may even be able to obtain and pay for your license online ??Check at the same time to see if you will also require a Location License for your hot dog cart ? as it applies to your area They should at the same time give you details about the Do ? s and Don ? ts where you can and cannot locate your hotdog cart and information on any other local by-laws that apply to the hot dog vending business This is a good time to ask any questions about the retail food business Check at the same time to see if you will also require a Location License for your hot dog cart For instance if you want to have one location for mid ? week business Monday to Friday and another location for working on the weekend you may be required to have separate location permits for these One ?nal license that you should inquire about is a Special Events Permit

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