Chairman x27 s guide Board Chairman's Guide Chapter Leadership Training NMA THE Leadership Development Organization March C CChapter Leader Training Board Chairman's Guide NMA ? THE Leadership Development Organization Arbor Boulevard Dayton OH ? Phone ? ?

Board Chairman's Guide Chapter Leadership Training NMA THE Leadership Development Organization March C CChapter Leader Training Board Chairman's Guide NMA ? THE Leadership Development Organization Arbor Boulevard Dayton OH ? Phone ? ? ? Fax ? ? Email nma nma org Web http nma org Updated March C CBoard Chairman's Guide TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction PREPARING FOR YOUR FIRST BOARD MEETING ORIENTATION OF NEW BOARD MEMBERS APPOINT A RECORDING SECRETARY APPOINT A PARLIAMENTARIAN Chairing the Meeting FREQUENCY OF MEETINGS LENGTH OF MEETINGS WAYS TO IMPROVE BOARD MEETINGS CHAIRMAN'S RESPONSIBILITY SELECTING THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD BOARD MANUAL Board Checklist MEETING ACCORDING TO ROBERT'S RULES A SUGGESTED ORDER OF BUSINESS HANDLING A MOTION Introduction to Robert's Rules of Order WHAT PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE IS WHY PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE IS IMPORTANT FOUR BASIC TYPES OF MOTIONS HOW MOTIONS ARE PRESENTED VOTING ON A MOTION TWO OTHER MOTIONS COMMONLY USED THAT RELATE TO VOTING Robert's Rules of Order ? Summary Version For Fair and Orderly Meetings Conventions The Rules Robert's Rules of Order Motions Chart C CBOARD CHAIRMAN'S GUIDE INTRODUCTION The Chairman of the Board occupies a key leadership position that is considerably di ?erent from other leadership positions First it is important that the board recognize that it has a special role to play While the board must be concerned about the current chapter operation and how well this year's program is being accomplished It also must address how the current operation is contributing to the long range purpose of the chapter The Board Chairman has the responsibility to focus the board's attention on that responsibility This requires a combining the e ?orts of the board with those of the o ?cers and their team Last but not least the Board Chairman must conduct the meetings of in an e ?ective and e ?cient manner The Chairman's success in the role will be measured by the manner in which the meetings are conducted Conducting board meetings requires a great deal of ?nesse because the decisions the board makes are group decisions The Chairman should not make those decisions alone but rather guide the board by facilitating an open dialog The chair has one vote and one opinion just like everyone else and the responsibility for chairing the board meetings does not change that In fact in some cases the chairman only votes when there is a tie consult Roberts Rules if you need more information There is a special skill required in blending together the talents of the board members in a way that will contribute to the overall progress of the NMA chapter PREPARING FOR YOUR FIRST BOARD MEETING The ?rst major task facing you as the new chairman of the board is to get your board organized and molded into a working body This is no easy task but you do have some things going for you and some steps to take to speed up the process If your board members are elected on a staggered basis half elected each year they

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