User write guide KIND ATTN ASCROM TEAM Re report is not visible please edit the user and give all rights Dear Sir As you are aware that to maintain the ASCROM data integrity and instill the con ?dence from the user critical ?elds in ASCROM System have bee

KIND ATTN ASCROM TEAM Re report is not visible please edit the user and give all rights Dear Sir As you are aware that to maintain the ASCROM data integrity and instill the con ?dence from the user critical ?elds in ASCROM System have been frozen in new version of ASCROM Therefore while processing of the ASACROM data the system will ask the no of accounts and amount where the frozon ?elds have been changed by the user Theses ?gures can be obtained by generating a report available in Quarterly updation --- change in frozen ?elds in Term loan If this report is not visible please edit the user and give all rights Exit from ASCROM following procedure -- GO TO Start Menu Programme ASCROM Utility Select Service Pack Login Create Modify User Execute Select Top Admin Group Doublc Click Click EDIT button on Left Side in your computer screen Available Option Menu on Right Side All Red Cross must be double click one by one Now display Symbol Right Now Click SAVE Button on left side Message display User Successfully Modi ?ed ?? Click Ok and EXIT Now Open ASCROM Programme Goto Quarterly Updation Menu - Charge in Frozen Fields in Term Loan Display your report on screen and print or write ?gure and a c for your ready reference Goto Processing Menu Data Processing and enter TL DL details in this menu Please note that these ?gures are in addition to the ?gures of upgradation Degradation being asked at the time of processing Ascrom Cell RO Mehsana C

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  • Détails
  • Publié le Dec 13, 2021
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 22.2kB