Dialect guide NAME DIALECT Follow the directions for each section This guide must be turned in and completed correctly to receive credit and move on to the choiceboard You do not need to comment on each post All Did You Know boxes must be read in each sec

NAME DIALECT Follow the directions for each section This guide must be turned in and completed correctly to receive credit and move on to the choiceboard You do not need to comment on each post All Did You Know boxes must be read in each section Use the checklists to check o ? each completed activity You may do more than the minimum if you would like to What is Dialect All activities in this section are Must Dos You must read all articles watch videos and respond to the Forum Total ?? Forum language vs accent vs dialect ?? Forum cartoon ?? Quiz Explore Dialects In this section you have several choices There are audio ?les quizzes videos There are Forums You must respond to at least One of the three you choose must be a Forum where the questions begins with ??Do you think ? ? Total ?? Forum list things ?? Forum explain the video ?? Forum Dialect Quiz ?? Forum Do you think dialects are fading ?? Forum Do you think a land without dialect exists ?? Forum Do you think people choose their dialect Dialect in Writing Read the articles Choose either Forum question Answer the quiz question Total ?? Forum dialect from a book ?? Forum write an example of dialect ?? Quiz CNAME Critical Thinking Question Based on all you have learned-What are the in uences of your speech and dialect What dialect do you think closely matches yours Have you ever spoken another dialect or language If so why How has changing languages or dialects a ?ected your current speech Respond to these questions in writing below Be sure to respond in paragraphs with complete sentences and proper grammar C

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  • Détails
  • Publié le Dec 31, 2022
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 26.9kB