Dit clinician guide The competences required to deliver e ?ective Dynamic Interpersonal Therapy DIT for Depression Alessandra Lemma Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust This document represents a guide to the competences required to deliver Dynamic

The competences required to deliver e ?ective Dynamic Interpersonal Therapy DIT for Depression Alessandra Lemma Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust This document represents a guide to the competences required to deliver Dynamic Interpersonal Therapy DIT for depression By design it is based largely on the document for commissioners and clinicians published as part of the psychoanalytic psychodynamic competence framework authored by Lemma Roth and Pilling and available on the CORE website The full listing of the competences associated with DIT and the psychoanalytic psychodynamic competences which underpin this approach can be downloaded at www ucl ac uk CORE CRelationship between Dynamic Interpersonal Therapy DIT and the Psychoanalytic Psychodynamic competence framework The competence framework for psychoanalytic psychodynamic therapies sets out the competences associated with psychoanalytic approaches for which there is good research evidence of e ?cacy In doing so it clari ?ed the underlying structure of dynamic techniques likely to be e ?ective in routine practice DIT emerges directly from this work and is an attempt to outline a brief psychodynamic approach to the treatment of depression which stays close to the evidence-base Because it draws so closely on the competence framework DIT is grounded in strategies and techniques that will be familiar to practitioners of short-term focal psychodynamic psychotherapies in that sense it is not novel and it is worth emphasizing that DIT is not intended to be a further new psychodynamic sub-modality What is distinctive about DIT is the way in which it structures these elements making it accessible to clinicians through a treatment and training manual An overview of DIT DIT is delivered through a brief sessions protocol that integrates core shared psychodynamic principles and techniques grounded in the extant evidence base and thus carries some external or empirical credibility when applied with a speci ?c focus on depression Lemma et al in press DIT has been designed to achieve a practical ?t between a psychodynamic approach and the symptom focus of modern commissioners and consumers of psychological therapy services without compromising its theoretical tradition and its unique mechanisms of therapeutic action While drawing primarily on psychodynamic principles of technique such as working in the transference or the interpretation of defences DIT is situated at the supportive end of the spectrum of expressive therapies Its techniques and theoretical underpinnings are not novel and re ect the core knowledge areas highlighted in the psychoanalytic psychodynamic therapies competence framework DIT is a protocol that assists psychodynamically trained clinicians to work to a speci ?c dynamic focus relevant to the di ?culties commonly encountered by patients with depression It aims to provide a framework for those who already have basic training in psychodynamic psychotherapy to practice their competencies within a structure created to maximise acceptability to all psychodynamic schools speedy acquisition of the method and a protocol that optimises compatibility with current NHS practice and permits the ready evaluation of competence adherence and integrity As an approach DIT is interpersonal because it focuses squarely on the patient ? s relationships

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  • Publié le Sep 15, 2022
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  • Taille du fichier 66.4kB