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GUIDE TO WRITING ASSIGNMENTS business uts edu au CAvailable to download for free from UTS Business website http www business uts edu au teaching student index html GUIDE TO WRITING ASSIGNMENTS Third edition UTS BUSINESS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This third edition of the Guide to Writing Assignments owes a great deal to its predecessor edition which was the result of collaborations between the Faculty of Business and other groups at UTS including sta ? of the UTS Libraries the Faculty of Law and the ELSSA Centre Many sta ? from within the Faculty of Business have contributed to ongoing development of the Guide Third Edition prepared by Carolyn Webb Consultant in Higher Education Learning and Teaching Printed by the UTS Printing Service Ultimo for the Faculty of Business Distributed by the University Co-op Bookshop UTS Branches at Ultimo and Kuring-gai Campuses ? Copyright Faculty of Business University of Technology Sydney CFOREWORD We are very pleased to introduce the third edition of the Guide to Writing Assignments in the Faculty of Business Research and written communication skills are required competencies of all students in our Faculty and at all levels of study and the Faculty is committed to encouraging and supporting students ? development of communication competence as an integral part of their learning We are equally committed to ensuring our students graduate with a high level of communication competence as part of their attainment of the core graduate attributes equipping them to be work- ready This Guide is an important element in that commitment The Guide is intended to assist students particularly those in undergraduate and postgraduate coursework programs when preparing their written assignments This third edition is a substantial revision with a new structure and incorporating many more examples of writing to illustrate the key characteristics of written assignments in Business It is packed with information ideas and advice much of it based on feedback from users of the previous edition We hope you will see this Guide as your indispensable companion during your studies The Faculty welcomes suggestions on the Guide Comments should be addressed to Associate Dean Teaching Learning Teaching and Learning Centre Faculty of Business UTS PO Box Broadway NSW We commend the Guide to you and wish you every success in your studies at UTS Professor Roy Green Dean of UTS Business Professor Tracy Taylor Deputy Dean of UTS Business Associate Professor Chris Bajada Associate Dean Teaching and Learning and Director Undergraduate Programs ii G u i d e t o W r i t i n g A s s i g n m e n t s ?? U T S B u s i n e s s CTABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION WRITING IN THE FACULTY OF BUSINESS THE ROLE OF WRITING Why is writing so important ASSESSMENT How is your written work assessed COMMON PROBLEMS What are students ? most common writing problems THE SCHOLARLY ETHIC IN ALL ACADEMIC WRITING LEARNING FROM SCHOLARLY LITERATURE Why is the literature so important HAVING ACADEMIC INTEGRITY

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