Guide 5s 3 S Guide Learn how a simple organizational strategy can transform your business CContents Introduction The Five Pillars Sort Set in Order Shine Standardize Sustain Safety Summary Additional Resources - - - creativesafetysupply com Creative Safet

S Guide Learn how a simple organizational strategy can transform your business CContents Introduction The Five Pillars Sort Set in Order Shine Standardize Sustain Safety Summary Additional Resources - - - creativesafetysupply com Creative Safety Supply is the leader in visual safety We aim to help you create a safer more e ?cient and compliant workplace using visual tools such as oor marking tapes signs labels S Lean products and safety merchandise ? Creative Safety Supply All Rights Reserved Find and follow us CIntroduction If your company is like most organizations you ? re searching for a competitive edge Something that will reduce costs increase sales and make you more agile in a changing business environment You ? ve found it Simply put S is a systematic approach to workplace organization But it ? s also much more than that S is about e ?ciency competitiveness and survival It is a deceptively simple system that creates an organized and productive workplace It ? s not just about cleaning up and eliminating toolboxes S creates a workplace environment that can adapt and succeed Chaos and unproductivity are your enemies organization and e ?ciency are your allies If implemented correctly and followed diligently S will lead to ? Lower costs ? Better quality ? Improved safety ? Increased productivity ? Higher employee satisfaction From the o ?ces of upper management to the workstations in the factory the power of this system will quickly reveal itself in your bottom line Chapter creativesafetysupply com guides CThe Five Pillars Originally developed by Hiroyuki Hirano for manufacturing companies in Japan the principles of S translate well to the laboratory the repair facility and even the corporate o ?ce Almost any work environment will bene ?t from the structure and e ?ciency this model provides S is sometimes called the ?ve pillars because just like the physical pillars that hold up a structure S has ?ve elements that support the e ?ectiveness of the system And just like the pillars of a building if one was to weaken or fail the entire structure would fall The ?ve steps pillars of S are Sort Set in Order Shine Standardize Sustain Chapter creativesafetysupply com guides CSort Sort is the process of removing all the items not needed for current production from the workspace Original Japanese word Seiri S begins with the Sort step Sort is the cornerstone of S and will help get rid of problems such as ? Tools and materials impeding work ow ? Wasted time looking for parts tools and products ? Stockpiling unnecessary and expensive inventory ? Safety hazards resulting from clutter The goal of Sort is to eliminate all the unneeded tools and materials and create a space free of clutter This allows for a work ow free from distraction A good rule of thumb is ??If you do not use it on a daily basis throw it out ? Leave only the things you absolutely need to get your job done This includes

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