Guide bi guide QlikView Sales Guide October Introduction ? This sales guide includes key messaging on the overall positioning of QlikView the major version product themes and features usage scenarios beta feedback and competitive information ? The format

QlikView Sales Guide October Introduction ? This sales guide includes key messaging on the overall positioning of QlikView the major version product themes and features usage scenarios beta feedback and competitive information ? The format is intended to be simple and concise allowing quick access to the most important selling points for QlikView Overall Product Positioning QlikView o ?ers a business discovery platform ? Business Discovery Business Discovery is the next generation of Business Intelligence allowing users to explore and analyze live information without limits Apps are rapidly built and deployed while IT can ensure the control of data and security that they require Validation by Gartner In the BI Magic Quadrant Gartner described a split in the BI market ?? between traditional stack vendors and newer ? data discovery ? vendors Data Discovery is Gartner ? s term for Business Discovery ?? so this is an endorsement of our category by Gartner Contrast to Reporting Based Architectures The major distinction between stack vendors and data discovery vendors is around architecture ?? traditional tools pre-aggregate information and rely on reporting based technology This creates complexity and cost and limits exibility and simplicity for users The Associative Experience The Associative Experience is the fundamental navigation paradigm in QlikView ?? the Green White Gray It allows users to make a selection immediately learn from the results and take next steps QlikView ? s Core Technology The Associative Experience is enabled by QlikView ? s patented inmemory associative technology which stores an entire set of highly compressed detailed data and allows users to search and ?lter this data without limits The engine dynamically calculates KPI ? s as the user makes selections Version Themes Features QlikView takes Business Discovery to a whole new level by providing advanced social and mobile analysis capabilities while strengthening the enterprise readiness of the platform Social Business Discovery Mobile Business Discovery Comparative Analysis Rapid Analytic App Platform Enterprise Platform QlikView Themes Social Business Discovery helps organizations incorporate the human element into decision-making Users can collaborate to answer questions in formal or informal groups and in real-time as well as asynchronously Mobile Business Discovery enables organizations to incorporate the physical environment into decisionmaking Users get insight ??on location ? QlikView on Mobile delivers true Business Discovery on the go Comparative analysis enables users to select multiple user-de ?ned data sets and directly compare them to one another to perform relative analysis and spot trends outliers or di ?erences QlikView includes new and improved capabilities that help users create analyses quickly and simply ? without requiring extensive IT involvement QlikView is packed with new and improved enterprise capabilities designed for IT pros to support large deployments and enterprise organizations The following new features have been added in QlikView Theme Social Business Discovery Mobile Business Discovery Comparative Analysis Rapid Analytic App Platform Enterprise Platform Feature Collaborative Sessions Annotations Cross Platform Compatibility Handheld Support Comparative Analysis Version Control Integration Improved Ajax Dialog Boxes Granular Chart Dimension Control Conditional Enabling Improved Layout Options

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