Guide to philippine employment law

Guide to Philippine Employment Law An Overview of Employment Laws for the Private Sector CThe material in this publication has been prepared by Quisumbing Torres to provide general information only It is not o ?ered as advice on any particular matter whether it be legal procedural commercial or otherwise and should not be taken as such For this reason the information contained in this publication should not form the basis of any decision as to a particular course of action neither should it be relied upon as legal advice nor regarded as a substitute for detailed advice in individual cases The authors expressly disclaim all liability to any person in respect of consequences of anything done or omitted to be done wholly or partly in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this publication This publication is copyrighted No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted by any process or means without the prior permission of Quisumbing Torres The law is stated as of January CTable of Contents Introduction The Philippines I In General II Terms and Conditions of Employment III Types of Employment IV Termination of Employment V Labor Relations VI Social Insurance VII Other Labor Related Matters We are Quisumbing Torres CGuide to Philippine Employment Law An Overview of Employment Laws for the Private Sector Introduction The Philippines Foreign investors remain upbeat with the Philippines as investment commitments hit a -year high in Foreign direct investments reached PHP billion in or percent higher than the level of PHP billion The World Trade Organization has marked the Philippines for ??sustained and rapid inclusive growth ? The Asian Development Bank shares this optimism as it expects the country ? s gross domestic product growth to hit percent in from percent in due to higher public spending investment and private consumption Growth is expected to increase to percent in With its resilient economy the Philippines remains an attractive location for multinational companies to establish their operations Combined with staunch government-provided investment incentives and strong a ?nity with the Western culture the Philippines is well positioned as the ideal investment destination in the Southeast Asian region Undoubtedly human resources play a vital role in the Philippines ? competitive position in the global market The country ? s labor and professional force one of the country ? s outstanding assets is well suited to work in international companies based locally as well as in domestic enterprises The country boasts a supply of highly skilled English-pro ?cient trainable and customer-oriented employees known for its strong work ethic The pool of talent is drawn mainly from over university graduates annually Many of these graduates hold degrees in business administration medical education engineering and information technology courses The Philippine labor market performed better in as the country generated more employment compared in Employment level increased by percent or million which is attributable to the strength of the continued growth in the services and agriculture sectors Labor costs in the country

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