Installation update amp license guide

Installation Update License Guide CThis page left blank CContents Company Information SPOT Business Systems LLC ?? Unites States SPOT Business Systems ?? United Kingdom SPOT Business Systems - Australia New Zeland General Services Customer Care Installation Overview Server Workstation Database Server New Installation Process Update Process Installation CDROM New Server Standalone Install Install SQL Express Install SPOT New Workstation Install Update Server Standalone Update Workstation License Registration CCompany Information SPOT Business Systems LLC ?? Unites States SPOT Business Systems Plaza South East Draper Utah - United States TEL - FAX - Support SPOTpos com SPOT Business Systems ?? United Kingdom SPOT Business Systems C O Mark Reynolds The Coach House Hibbert Road Maidenhead SL UT United Kingdom TEL FAX Support SPOTEurope com SPOT Business Systems - Australia New Zeland SPOT Computer Systems Australasia Ltd c o Richard Beechey Manukau Road Epsom Auckland New Zealand TEL - - - FAX - - - info spotcs co nz The image cannot be display ed Your computer may not hav e enough memory to open the image or the image may hav e ? Copyright ? SPOT Business Systems LLC All rights reserved SPOT and SPOT Business Systems logo's are registered trademarks of SPOT Business Systems LLC All other trademarks or trade names belong to their respective owners No part of this manual may be copied reproduced or duplicated in any way without prior permission of SPOT Business Systems LLC NOTE Information and policies described in this document are subject to change without notice CGeneral Software-Only Purchases SPOT is available for software-only purchase The cost of SPOT software includes only software and is exclusive of other services such as setup integration con ?guration and assistance with system problems These optional services are available from SPOT Business Systems on a fee basis to both you and or your local technician see Services Please make sure your technician is aware of service fee requirements before calling for assistance User Supplied Hardware If you purchase your own computer equipment and hardware we provide a number of services to assist you with installation integration setup and training As an option you can send computers to our o ?ce for installation integration and setup We do charge a small per workstation bench fee to you or your local technician for this service Only quali ?ed technicians should perform the installation integration and setup of SPOT Windows operating system SQL database engine and related networking Do not attempt to do this yourself unless you have experience NOTE Due to the di ?erence between classes of computers and suitability of peripherals SPOT Business Systems does not guarantee SPOT operation and proper performance with all usersupplied equipment We do guarantee proper operation with SPOT Business Systems supplied business systems Installation and Training Notice SPOT like other sophisticated software designed for complex business operations requires a high degree of knowledge to e ?ectively setup and train We do not recommend self-installation SPOT Business Systems o ?ers several assistance plans If you attempt

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