Learning guide 3 Dallol Technology and Business College Learning Guide Work With Others This learning guide is developed to provide you the necessary information regarding the following content coverage and topics Develop e ?ective workplace relationship

Dallol Technology and Business College Learning Guide Work With Others This learning guide is developed to provide you the necessary information regarding the following content coverage and topics Develop e ?ective workplace relationship Contribute to work group activities This guide will also assist you to attain the learning outcome stated in the cover page Speci ?cally upon completion of this Learning Guide you will be able to - o Do Duties and responsibilities in a positive manner to promote cooperation and good relationship o Seek Assistance from workgroup when di ?culties arise and addressed through discussions o Encourage acknowledge and act upon Feedback provided by others in the team o Respect and acknowledge Di ?erences in personal values and beliefs in the development o Provide Support to team members to ensure workgroup goals are met o Make Constructive contributions to workgroup goals and tasks according to organizational requirements o Share Information relevant to work with team members to ensure designated goals are met TTLM Development Date BY HABIB M Page of CDallol Technology and Business College Information Sheet Work With Others What is a workplace A workplace is a location or building where people perform physical or mental work in order to earn a living It is usually a location outside one's home or place of residence The term workplace is also used to describe the work environment in general especially as it relates to the rights and responsibilities of employees and employers Workplace Relationships What Does Responsibility Mean In the workplace everyone interacts with each other This is how society organizes itself and communicates together at work These relationships are valuable for the opportunities they create to improve performance of individuals as well as bene ?ting them by creating a more useful and interesting place to work Each person in the team has a responsibility and a vested interest in making these relationships work for their mutual bene ?t In practice 'responsibility' is all about doing your bit and maybe a little more to oil the wheels of the relationships you have with all of your colleagues at whatever level of hierarchy they might be such that everyone is a winner There are ?ve critical activities that anyone creating a workplace relationship needs to be aware of - and be prepared to put into practice Show Commitment TTLM Development Date BY HABIB M Page of CDallol Technology and Business College By being onside and decided to make the di ?erence whatever the history you are starting a process to build relationships even if it means you have to rethink your position as well a bit Be Interested in Others You'll build relationships faster if you dump talking all about yourself and make sure you ask questions that will help you get to know people better Yet this isn't actually the point It's that you are showing that you are interested thatcounts Create Trust Following through with what you say you will do being as open and honest as possible

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