Media guide 2009 Racine Horlick Rebel Football Media Guide C RAFFLE Sponsored by the Horlick Rebel Football Booster Club for or an arms length for Purchase your tickets from one of the volunteers circulating the stands WINNER RECEIVES OF THE PROCEEDS FROM

Racine Horlick Rebel Football Media Guide C RAFFLE Sponsored by the Horlick Rebel Football Booster Club for or an arms length for Purchase your tickets from one of the volunteers circulating the stands WINNER RECEIVES OF THE PROCEEDS FROM THE TICKETS SOLD THAT EVENING Tickets are sold prior to the game until half time The winner is announced during half time The winner must be present to win and show the ticket to collect the winnings at the apparel table Good luck CSoutheast Conference Varsity Football Schedule Game time is pm Fri August Hamilton- Sussex Hammes Field Fri September Fri September West Allis Central Kenosha Tremper West Allis Central H S Ameche Field Fri September Racine Park Hammes Field Fri September Kenosha Bradford Carthage College Fri October Oak Creek Oak Creek H S Fri October - Homecoming Muskego Hammes Field Fri October Racine Case Hammes Field Wed October - Senior Player Recognition Franklin Hammes Field Check out the Rebel Football Website http www rebelfootball rgnsystems net Photographer of Games Jim Lahr and Debbie Olsen Graphic Designer of Program Maggie DeGroot CSoutheast Conference Division CASE EAGLES FRANKLIN SABERS HORLICK REBELS TREMPER TROJANS PARK PANTHERS BRADFORD RED DEVILS MUSKEGO WARRIORS OAK CREEK KNIGHTS CHorlick History William Horlick High School has a lot of history going back further than the City of Racine Parks and Recreation Department can trace it The school was named after the inventor Mr William Horlick Sr Mr William Horlick Sr was born in Gloucestshire England February Two of his sons James and William Jr became the founders of Horlick ? s Malted Milk Company William Horlick grew up in his native country but in came to the USA He opened up a business to manufacture and prepared food for infants invalids and the aged The growth of this trade demanded larger quarters so William Horlick Sr purchased ten acres of land adjoining the city limits of Racine In Horlick ? s Food company built their ?rst building in Racine Wisconsin basically for the manufacturing of their ??Horlick Malted Milk ? This company was located on Northwestern Avenue right behind Racine Uni ?ed ? s Central O ?ce Their business had grown in volume and importance James Horlick returned to England to open up a branch while William Horlick Jr stayed in Racine and ran the business in Racine and was also City Treasurer Mr Horlick Sr was well known around Racine He helped to establish Horlick ? s Racine Airport was a director of the Racine Journal Times a member of the board of St Luke ? s Hospital and also Mayor of Racine from ?? He had been particularly active in the support of the cause of education and for many years was School Director for the Uni ?ed William Horlick Sr spent his money by giving back to the community These substantial gifts included Memorial Hall a maternity wing at St Luke ? s Hospital Island Park Horlick Athletic Field and land for the high school

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