Pacing guide entrepreneurship
BUSINESS MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION CAREER CLUSTER ENTREPRENEURHSIP Focus Calendar Duration Unit Topic Employability Standard BMA-ENT- Introduction to Entrepreneurship BMA-ENT- Communication BMA-ENT- Business Plan Management BMA-ENT- BMA-ENT- BMA-ENT- Marketing BMA-ENT- Finances BMA-ENT- Entrepreneurship and the Economy BMA-ENT- BMA-ENT- BMA-ENT- FBLA Integration Every Week BMA-ENT- BMA-ENT- will be integrate into weeks of the curriculum starting in week CTitle Topic Duration Employability Weeks Standard BMA-ENT- Demonstrate employability skills required by business and industry Communicate e ?ectively through writing speaking listening reading and interpersonal abilities Demonstrate creativity with multiple approaches to ask challenging questions resulting in innovative procedures methods and products Exhibit critical thinking and problem-solving skills to locate analyze and apply information in career planning and employment situations Model work readiness traits required for success in the workplace including integrity honesty accountability punctuality time management and respect for diversity Apply the appropriate skill sets to be productive in changing technological and diverse workplace to be able to work independently interpret data and apply team work skills Common Core Integration ELACC - SL Initiate and participate e ?ectively in a range of collaborative discussions one-on-one in groups and teacher- led with diverse partners on grade - topics texts and issues building on others ? ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively ELACC - SL Integrate multiple sources of information presented in diverse media or formats e g visually quantitatively orally evaluating the credibility and accuracy of each source Present a professional image through appearance behavior and language Activities Projects Career Project Target Entrepreneur Create Resume Soft skills http www dol gov odep topics youth softskills softskills pdf Dress for Success FBLA Integration Presentation Skills Communication Employability Skills FBLA Competition If a student Excels in this unit suggest they consider competing in Business Communication Job Interviewing CNotes The Purpose of this unit is increase student awareness in careers related to business and industry Title Topic Introduction to Entrepreneurship Duration Weeks Standard Common Core Integration BMA-ENT- Relate the concepts and processes associated ELACC - SL Initiate and with entrepreneurial success and the personal traits and participate e ?ectively in a behaviors associated with successful entrepreneurial range of collaborative performance discussions one-on-one in Explain the role of entrepreneur in their own business the local community and the economic development of the global market groups and teacher-led with diverse partners on grade - topics texts and issues building on others ? ideas and Categorize the characteristics of a successful sources of expressing their own clearly information presented in entrepreneur including the skills and persuasively and ethical diverse media or formats e g visually responsibilities quantitatively orally evaluating the ELACC - SL Integrate credibility and accuracy of each source multiple sources of information Di ?erentiate the unique traits behaviors and processes that distinguish an entrepreneur from an employee or manager presented in diverse media or formats e g visually quantitatively orally evaluating the credibility and Connect the entrepreneurial success with personal traits accuracy of each source and behaviors through analyzing successful entrepreneurs by identifying leadership style Activities Projects
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- Publié le Jul 16, 2022
- Catégorie Industry / Industr...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 53.9kB