Proctored exams reference guide
Reference Guide to Proctored Exams for Product Design Manufacturing Specialization Certi ?cation CIntroduction The manufacturing industry is at a pivotal point with signi ?cant change and opportunity IoT Industry Product Innovation Platform and The Future of Making Things The subscription business model will bring signi ?cant advantages to the market place equipping Partners with a powerful and unique business o ?er Customers are looking for business partners who can o ?er them leadership in challenging times Autodesk is strengthening the Product Design Manufacturing PD M Specialization Requirements in FY to support the need for a fully focused and highly trained Partner ecosystem capable of attracting new customers to Autodesk solutions The goal of introducing Proctored Exams is to validate the integrity of all who take the Sales and Technical Sales exams and demonstrate their competence under controlled conditions Autodesk is introducing proctored exams for PD M specialized partners for the roles of sales and technical representatives Di ?erentiate yourself and your business by attaining Autodesk ? s PD M certi ?cation or recerti ?cation in FY Specialize to stand out in the market Show your customers that you know how to help them succeed As of August the proctored exams will be o ?ered at Pearson VUE testing centers Pearson VUE is a leading global provider of testing services and they have a comprehensive network of testing centers across EEA and Switzerland The exams are computer-based assessments of knowledge competencies and skills Physical attendance at a local testing center is required Exams are available in English French Italian German and Spanish languages Certi ?cation and Specialization Requirements The Proctored Exam is a requirement for reseller sta ? wishing to obtain the PD M Certi ?cation in EEA Switzerland This is in addition to the standard certi ?cation requirements Essential CECs ?? by July Continuing Education Credits ?? on a rolling -months basis Pass proctored exams to demonstrate Sales or Technical Sales competence under controlled conditions ?? by October CA minimum of two sales and two technical representatives are required to pass the exam and become certi ?ed for the reseller to be compliant with the PD M Specialization VARs are also required to meet the minimum Purchase Requirement MPR as de ?ned in the Partner Advantage Guide These deadlines are for existing PD M specialized partners only Partners wanting to acquire the PD M specialization must ful ?ll the requirements but don ? t need to adhere to the above deadlines Autodesk will continue to o ?er proctored exams after October Preparing for the Sales Exam The Sales exam is based on online courses available on Autodesk Learning Central ALC We strongly recommend that sales representatives take all these courses to prepare for the exam even if they have taken some or all of them in the past Recommended ALC Course Title Strategy Overview for Industrial Machinery Manufacturers Strategy Overview for Automotive Suppliers Competitive Landscape in Manufacturing Autodesk Work ow for Industrial Machinery Manufacturers ?? Sales Autodesk Work ow for
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- Publié le Aoû 26, 2022
- Catégorie Industry / Industr...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 51kB