Quest guide Learn Puppet Quest Guide for the Learning VM CContents Table of Contents ? Learning VM Setup ? Welcome ? The Power of Puppet ? Resources ? Manifests and Classes ? Modules ? NTP ? MySQL ? Variables and Class Parameters ? Conditional Statements

Learn Puppet Quest Guide for the Learning VM CContents Table of Contents ? Learning VM Setup ? Welcome ? The Power of Puppet ? Resources ? Manifests and Classes ? Modules ? NTP ? MySQL ? Variables and Class Parameters ? Conditional Statements ? Resource Ordering ? Afterword ? Troubleshooting ? Glossary of Puppet Vocabulary CLearning VM Setup About the Learning Virtual Machine The Learning Virtual Machine VM is a sandbox environment equipped with everything you'll need to get started learning Puppet and Puppet Enterprise PE Because we believe exploration and playfulness are key to successful learning we've done our best to make getting started with Puppet a fun and frictionless process The VM is powered by CentOS Linux and for your convenience we've pre-installed Puppet Enterprise PE along with everything you'll need to put it into action Before you get started however we'll walk you through a few steps to get the VM conRgured and running The Learning VM comes in two Savors You downloaded this guide with either a VMware vmx Rle or an Open Virtualization Format ovf Rle The vmx version works with VMware Player or VMware Workstation on Linux and Windows based machines and VMware Fusion for Mac The ovf Rle is suitable for Oracle's Virtualbox as well as several other virtualization players that support this format We've included instructions below for VMware Fusion VMware Player and Virtualbox If you run into issues getting the Learning VM set up feel free to contact us at learningvm puppetlabs com and we'll do our best to help out Getting started with the Learning VM If you haven't already downloaded VMware Player VMware Fusion or Oracle Virtualbox please see the links below ? VMWare Player ? VMWare Fusion ? VirtualBox You'll also need an SSH client to interact with the Learning VM over a Secure Shell SSH connection This will be more comfortable than interacting with the virtualization software directly If you're using Mac OS you will be able to run SSH by way of the default Terminal application or a third party application like iTerm If you are on a Windows OS we recommend PuTTY a free SSH client for Windows ? Puppet Labs CLearning VM Setup Once you have an up-to-date virtualization application and the means to SSH to the Learning VM you're ready to conRgure the Learning VM itself If you're reading this guide you've probably already extracted the zip Rle that contains the Learning VM Keep that zip Rle around in case you want to create a fresh instance of the Learning VM without having the re-do the download VM Setup Start by launching your virtualization software Don't be tempted by any dialogues or wizards that pop up the Rrst time you open the software These will walk you through creating a new virtual machine and will mislead you if you're trying to open the existing Learning VM Rle Depending on what virtualization software you're using there are some slight variations in how you'll open

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