Risk assessment guide Financial Crime Risk Assessment ?? Guidance for Partners Brokers Suppliers of Aviva Why Complete a Financial Crime Risk Assessment FCRA The FCA has revealed that regulated entities are still not doing enough to identify assess and ta

Financial Crime Risk Assessment ?? Guidance for Partners Brokers Suppliers of Aviva Why Complete a Financial Crime Risk Assessment FCRA The FCA has revealed that regulated entities are still not doing enough to identify assess and tackle their ?nancial crime risks within their business The FCA have advised that a ? Thorough understanding of a ?rm ? s ?nancial crime risk is key if a ?rm is to apply proportionate and e ?ective systems and controls ? ? A ?rm should identify and assess the ?nancial crime risks to which it is exposed as a result of for example the products and services it o ?ers the jurisdictions it operates in the types of customer it attracts the complexity and volume of transactions and the distribution channels it uses to service its customers Firms can then target their ?nancial crime resources on the areas of greatest risk ? FCA ?? Financial crime a guide for ?rm April Due to the recent focus from the FCA upon businesses ? ?nancial crime risks Aviva have developed this set of guidelines to assist our partners brokers and suppliers in the completion of a FCRA for their business What is a FCRA A FCRA is the cornerstone to e ?ective ?nancial crime prevention The process of completing a FCRA includes the identi ?cation quanti ?cation and documentation of the ?nancial crime risks for your business and thus the construction and provision of a su ?cient framework for the management of these risks It is important to remember that the completion of a FCRA is not an exercise to just identify and measure risk for the sake of it it is to ensure a business is equipped to determine the appropriate response to their ?nancial crime risks How should a FCRA be completed A FCRA should take into consideration all types of ?nancial crime your business is vulnerable to these include but are not limited to ? Sanctions ? Fraud ? Bribery and Corruption ? Terrorist ?nancing ? Money laundering ? Market abuse These Aviva guidelines are neither advice nor a checklist to be used prescriptively to mitigate ?nancial crime risks We would recommend consultation with your legal and compliance department contacts to conduct and implement a FCRA CFinancial Crime Risk Assessment ?? Guidance for Partners Brokers Suppliers of Aviva Your internal and external ?nancial crime risks should be identi ?ed based on various reliable and accurate sources of information Sources you could utilise include the Financial Action Task Force or the National Crime Agency alerts It is your own ?rm ? s responsibility to ensure that all ?nancial crimes represented within your business model are identi ?ed articulated and documented within the FCRA We would advise consideration to the FCA ? s self assessment questions to assist in the completion of a FCRA These are stated below ? What are the main ?nancial crime risks to the business ? How does your ?rm seek to understand the ?nancial crime risks it faces ? When

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