Sdg compass guide The guide for business action on the SDGs Developed by TM Our planet faces massive economic social and environmental challenges To combat these the Sustainable Development Goals SDGs de ?ne global priorities and aspirations for They repr

The guide for business action on the SDGs Developed by TM Our planet faces massive economic social and environmental challenges To combat these the Sustainable Development Goals SDGs de ?ne global priorities and aspirations for They represent an unprecedented opportunity to eliminate extreme poverty and put the world on a sustainable path Governments worldwide have already agreed to these goals Now it is time for business to take action The SDG Compass explains how the SDGs a ?ect your business ?? o ?ering you the tools and knowledge to put sustainability at the heart of your strategy The Sustainable Development Goals SDGs What ? s inside Executive summary Page Why do the SDGs matter for business What is the SDG Compass Step Understanding What are the SDGs the SDGs Understanding the business case The baseline responsibilities for business Step De ?ning priorities Map the value chain to identify impact areas Select indicators and collect data De ?ne priorities Step Setting goals De ?ne scope of goals and select KPIs De ?ne baseline and select goal type Set level of ambition Announce commitment to SDGs Step Integrating Anchoring sustainability goals within the business Embed sustainability across all functions Engage in partnerships Step Reporting and E ?ective reporting and communication communicating Communicating on SDG performance SDG Compass www sdgcompass org Executive summary Why do the SDGs matter for business The Sustainable Development Goals SDGs de ?ne global sustainable development priorities and aspirations for and seek to mobilize global e ?orts around a common set of goals and targets The SDGs call for worldwide action among governments business and civil society to end poverty and create a life of dignity and opportunity for all within the boundaries of the planet Covering a wide spectrum of sustainable development topics relevant to companies ?? such as poverty health education climate change and environmental degradation ?? the SDGs can help to connect business strategies with global priorities Companies can use the SDGs as an overarching framework to shape steer communicate and report their strategies goals and activities allowing them to capitalize on a range of bene ?ts such as Unlike their predecessor the Millennium Development Goals the SDGs explicitly call on all businesses to apply their creativity and innovation to solve sustainable development challenges The SDGs have been agreed by all governments yet their success relies heavily on action and collaboration by all actors ? Identifying future business opportunities The SDGs aim to redirect global public and private investment ows towards the challenges they represent In doing so they de ?ne growing markets for companies that can deliver innovative solutions and transformative change The SDGs present an opportunity for business-led solutions and technologies to be developed and implemented to address the world ? s biggest sustainable development challenges As the SDGs form the global agenda for the development of our societies they will allow leading companies to demonstrate how their business helps to advance sustainable development both by minimizing negative impacts and maximizing positive impacts on

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