Ebrd procurement guide Standard Tender Documents Procurement of Goods and Related Services User Guide January ab cd CUser Guide and Summary Description PREFACE These Standard Tender Documents and User ? s Guide have been prepared by the European Bank for

Standard Tender Documents Procurement of Goods and Related Services User Guide January ab cd CUser Guide and Summary Description PREFACE These Standard Tender Documents and User ? s Guide have been prepared by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development EBRD for the procurement of goods and related services through open tendering in compliance with the EBRD Procurement Policies and Rules for projects that are ?nanced in whole or in part by the EBRD These Standard Tender Documents are derived from the Master Document for Procurement of Goods prepared by the Multilateral Development Banks and International Financing Institutions The procedures and practices which are presented in them re ect the ??best practices ? by these institutions Clients or their procurement consultants should complete these documents by entering data speci ?c to the procurement in question in the relevant sections in some cases this necessitates a selection from di ?erent alternatives presented in the documents These alternatives are illustrative and not necessarily comprehensive Other customised provisions may be required in certain cases The following guidelines should be observed a Speci ?c details such as the ??name of the Purchaser ? or ??address for tender submission ? should be entered where indicated b Notes in bold italics found inside a bold square or between square brackets represent instructions which the drafter of the tender document should follow These instructions should be deleted and not included in the ?nal document c When submitting Standard Tender Documents to the Bank for review clients should state whether these Documents have been used prior to the review If so the client should i con ?rm that the Instructions to Tenderers and the General Conditions of Contract have been used without change ii highlight any proposed changes to the following Letter of Tender Form of Tender Security Manufacturer ? s Authorisation Letter of Acceptance Contract Agreement Performance Security Bank Guarantee for Advanced Payment Guidance Notes on using these documents which can be found at the beginning of each Volume are only for the use of the drafter and must not be included in the tender documents that are to be issued to potential tenderers This document re ects the structure and the provisions of the Master Document except where speci ?c considerations within the respective multilateral development of the bank have required a change and comprises the following Parts and Sections CUser Guide and Summary Description PART ?? TENDERING PROCEDURES Section I Instructions to Tenderers ITT This Section provides information to help Tenderers prepare their tenders Information is also provided on the submission opening and evaluation of tenders as well as the award of Contracts The text found in the clauses of this Section can only be modi ?ed adjusted or supplemented through Section II Tender Data Sheet Section II Tender Data Sheet TDS This Section includes provisions which are speci ?c to each individual procurement and which modify adjust or supplement Section I Instructions to Tenderers Section III Evaluation and Quali ?cation Criteria This Section speci

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  • Publié le Apv 15, 2021
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 369.7kB