Wavistrong engineering guide 1
Future Pipe Industries WAVISTRONG ENGINEERING GUIDE WAVISTRONG FIBERSTRONG WAVIFLOAT FIBERMAR CEpoxy Pipe Systems Title Engineering Guide for Wavistrong ?lament wound epoxy pipe systems Date issued - - Replaces issue of - - REP Rev Wavistrong Engineering Guide ES EW CS System CReader Service Card Please ?nd in the back of this brochure a business reply card In order to inform you about the di ?erent applications and latest developments of Wavistrong glass ?bre reinforced plastic pipe systems you are kindly requested to complete and return this card All information was correct at the time of going to press However we reserve the right to alter amend and update any products systems and services described in this brochure We accept no responsibility for the interpretation of statements made ? Copyright by Future Pipe Industries B V formerly Wavin Repox B V No part of this work may be reproduced in any form by print photoprint micro ?lm or any other means without written permission from the publisher CTable of Contents Section Page I Introduction II Wavistrong information II General II Serial identi ?cation II Winding angle II Joining systems II Tensile resistant joints II Non-tensile resistant joints II System data II Pipes II Fittings II Combined stresses II Head loss in pipes and ?ttings II Wavistrong pipes II Wavistrong ?ttings II Wavistrong pipe properties II Bending radius II Fluid water hammer II Sti ?ness II Buckling pressure II Classi ?cation III Wavistrong above ground pipe systems III Design III Supports III Clamps III Support distance III Single span length III Continuous span length III Corrected support distance III Anchor points III Anchor loads IV Wavistrong underground pipe systems IV Design and joining systems IV Anchor points IV Calculation of underground pipe systems IV Pipe de ection IV De ection lag factor IV De ection coe ?cient IV Vertical soil load IV Live load IV Live load coe ?cient single wheel load IV Live load coe ?cient two passing trucks IV Pipe sti ?ness factor IV Modulus of soil reaction IV Resulting hoop stress IV Allowable combined stress I CAppendix I List of symbols Appendix II Conversion tables Appendix III Conversion graph psi vs bar Appendix IV Conversion graph C vs F Appendix V Examples combined stresses II CI Introduction This Wavistrong Engineering Guide provides information for the design speci ?cation and installation of Wavistrong glass ?bre reinforced epoxy pipe systems in the diameter range from mm up to and including mm for above ground and underground applications For detailed speci ?cation installation information and standard products reference is made to the Wavistrong System Speci ?cations the Wavistrong Installation Manual and the Wavistrong Product List Beyond others this information can be obtained by completion of the reader service card All conventional methods of calculating stresses in the pipe wall resulting from internal and external loads are applicable to the Wavistrong pipe system The occurring stresses in the structural laminate have to be combined to an equivalent stress and compared with the allowable
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- Publié le Mar 08, 2021
- Catégorie Industry / Industr...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 257.7kB