Epf guide 1 CPrologue Dear Reader Welcome PersonalFN is pleased to bring to you a handy guide to one of the most popular investment destinations for the salaried person in the Government public or private sector ?? the Employee Provident Fund In this hand

CPrologue Dear Reader Welcome PersonalFN is pleased to bring to you a handy guide to one of the most popular investment destinations for the salaried person in the Government public or private sector ?? the Employee Provident Fund In this handy EPF Guide you will know more about your monthly contributions covering topics such as - What is the EPF and what are its main features - Historical EPF interest rates ?? will the EPF interest rate likely fall further - EPF EPS and EDLIS ?? See where your money is really going - How to calculate your EPF contribution - How to read an EPF slip - How to get your grievances redressed ? and much more So what are you waiting for Just read on to know more ? With warm regards Team Personal FN www personalfn com Page CIndex What is the Employee Provident Fund EPF What does your monthly EPF contribution go into What is the Employees ? Pension Scheme EPS What is the Employees ? Deposit Linked Insurance Scheme EDLIS Is the breakup of the contribution di ?erent for the employee and employer A Sample Calculation of the contribution break up What interest rate do you earn on your EPF contribution How has the EPF interest rate moved historically How is interest credited Can the EPF balance be checked online Is it possible to get an EPF e-Passbook What if the company has its own PF trust can the balance still be checked online Can you withdraw your EPF money How do you read your PF account slip Is it illegal to withdraw the PF in between jobs What is a Voluntary PF What if you need more clarity regarding your EPF including on withdrawal transfer etc Conclusion From a Financial Planning perspective ? www personalfn com Page CWhat is the Employee Provident Fund EPF The EPF is created by the Employees Provident Fund Organization EPFO of India a statutory body of the Indian Government under the Labour and Employment Ministry In essence it states that an organization having or more permanent on-roll employees working in any of plus industries should register with the EPFO A provident fund is a fund that is created through contributions to provide ?nancial support to individuals above a certain age such as post retirement age The Employee Provident Fund is just such a fund Contributions are made on a monthly basis by both employees and employers thereby encouraging employees to save a portion of their salary each month Investments made by a vast number of employees across India are pooled together and invested by a trust The EPF is a tax free investment instrument for the salaried class Interest earned on it is tax free and returns are also not taxed You also get a deduction under Section C for contributions made towards your EPF What does your monthly EPF contribution go into Currently the following three schemes are in operation under the EPF Act of and it is

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  • Publié le Nov 14, 2021
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 67.5kB