Mountain view high school attendance procedure guide attendance 24 hour line 650 968 2406 attendance office 650 940 4648
MOUNTAIN VIEW HIGH SCHOOL Attendance Procedure Guide Attendance -hour Line - Attendance O ?ce - FULL DAY ABSENCE A parent guardian must call the day of the absence or as soon as possible Leave the following information Student ? s ?rst and last name spell last name Student ID digits Grade Date s of absence Exact reason for the absence illness medical dental ortho DMV court etc Your name your phone number and relationship to the student PARTIAL DAY ABSENCE A parent guardian must call the day before the absence or as soon as possible Please make every e ?ort to schedule appointments outside of school hours Leave the following information - All information requested from Full Day Absence above plus Period s student will miss Time you will be picking-up your student and or returning to campus if your student is leaving on their own please state method car bike bus etc LEAVING CAMPUS EARLY If you will be picking up your student early for an appointment it is your responsibility to notify the Attendance O ?ce For morning appointments please call the night before For afternoon appointments please call before noon A parent guardian must come into the Attendance O ?ce and sign-out the student unless your student is leaving as per item above Student will not be called out of class until parent guardian is in the Attendance O ?ce Please allow at least minutes to call your student out of class especially if they are in P E Students who do not sign out will receive unexcused absences for the classes they miss that day ARRIVING CAMPUS LATE If your student will be arriving late from an appointment it is your responsibility to notify the Attendance O ?ce For morning appointments please call the night before For afternoon appointments please call before noon Students must come into the Attendance O ?ce to pick up an Admission Slip to be allowed into class If you forgot to call a parent guardian must come into the Attendance O ?ce and sign-in the student Students who do not sign in will receive unexcused absences for the classes they miss that day UNEXCUSED ABSENCE Absences must be cleared within hours by a Parent or Guardian Anything after hours will be considered as an unexcused absence Parent guardian notes or emails are NOT accepted Doctor medical notes ARE accepted with a date time stamp from a physician for a partial day ? s absence If your student is ill for more than days a doctor ? s note will need to be provided to the Attendance O ?ce upon the student's return Student may not call themselves in for any absence even if they are years of age This will result in a referral to the Administration O ?ce Parents can see the student ? s attendance via their SIS account We will call parents to con ?rm absences at our discretion TARDY If your student is tardy from the start