Abe 2013 confronting built heritage
See discussions stats and author pro ?les for this publication at https www researchgate net publication Confronting built heritage Shifting perspectives on colonial architecture in Indonesia Article in ABE Journal February DOI abe CITATIONS author P K M van Roosmalen Delft University of Technology PUBLICATIONS CITATIONS SEE PROFILE READS Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects Workshop ? Historical Data for Heritage Conservation ? View project Repository for sources on European colonial built architecture View project All content following this page was uploaded by P K M van Roosmalen on October The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded ?le CABE Journal Colonial today Pauline K M van Roosmalen Confronting built heritage Shifting perspectives on colonial architecture in Indonesia Avertissement Le contenu de ce site relève de la législation française sur la propriété intellectuelle et est la propriété exclusive de l'éditeur Les ?uvres ?gurant sur ce site peuvent être consultées et reproduites sur un support papier ou numérique sous réserve qu'elles soient strictement réservées à un usage soit personnel soit scienti ?que ou pédagogique excluant toute exploitation commerciale La reproduction devra obligatoirement mentionner l'éditeur le nom de la revue l'auteur et la référence du document Toute autre reproduction est interdite sauf accord préalable de l'éditeur en dehors des cas prévus par la législation en vigueur en France Revues org est un portail de revues en sciences humaines et sociales développé par le Cléo Centre pour l'édition électronique ouverte CNRS EHESS UP UAPV Référence électronique Pauline K M van Roosmalen Confronting built heritage Shifting perspectives on colonial architecture in Indonesia ? ABE Journal En ligne mis en ligne le janvier consulté le juin URL http abe revues org DOI abe Éditeur Laboratoire InVisu CNRS INHA USR http abe revues org http www revues org Document accessible en ligne sur http abe revues org Document généré automatiquement le juin CC BY CConfronting built heritage Shifting perspectives on colonial architecture in Indonesia Pauline K M van Roosmalen Confronting built heritage Shifting perspectives on colonial architecture in Indonesia Colonial built heritage is a multifaceted and sensitive subject The colonial context arouses political and ideological reactions often characterised by a mixture of condemnation disregard embarrassment and inactivity The dual parenthood of the buildings shared by colonized and colonizer is a key issue Although for a long time this was true for the colonial built heritage in Indonesia over the last two decades the situation has changed radically Because colonial buildings are tactile frequently striking and sometimes dominant they have proved to be an accessible and e ?ective channel for visualising the colonial past and familiarising the public with it As a result the negative outlook on colonial architecture and town plans has gradually been replaced by a much more positive attitude While awareness and appreciation won ground and political perspectives shifted Indonesia and the Netherlands gradually appropriated the colonial built heritage in Indonesia Interacting with the past From the end of the th-century onwards Indonesian newspapers notably the
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- Publié le Jan 10, 2021
- Catégorie Heavy Engineering/...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 140.5kB