Adaptations unit guide 1 ADAPTATIONS UNIT OVERVIEW All living things change Over long periods of time species must gradually adapt to meet the challenges of their environment or they will not survive The Adaptations unit helps students explore how and why

ADAPTATIONS UNIT OVERVIEW All living things change Over long periods of time species must gradually adapt to meet the challenges of their environment or they will not survive The Adaptations unit helps students explore how and why plants animals including humans and other organisms adapt to their environment It addresses the di ?erence between physical and behavioral adaptations as well as distinguishing between behaviors that are instinctive and those that are learned Certain reading resources are provided at three reading levels within the unit to support di ?erentiated instruction Other resources are provided as a set with di ?erent titles o ?ered at each reading level Dots on student resources indicate the reading level as follows low reading level middle reading level high reading level THE BIG IDEA P lants and animals including humans have to adapt to changes in the environment These changes can range from global to microscopic and may include changes in the climate the population of other species sharing the same habitat and the availability of essential resources for survival Physical adaptations are natural occurrences not deliberate choices Behavioral adaptations are usually responses to environmental conditions and are not momentary decisions made by individuals Some adaptations turn out to be successful and others do not Only those organisms that adapt successfully survive and pass on their genes to future generations Many di ?erent adaptations are often successful which has led to incredible diversity in nature Organisms are a ?ected by their environment but they also a ?ect their environment Over the course of this unit students may consider the e ?ect that human activity has on nature and how plants and animals have to adapt to changes in ecosystems and environments caused by modern society Other topics This unit also addresses topics such as how species adapt to extreme environments plant behavior animal communication and camou age human impact of natural selection and how dog breeds are designed ? Learning A ??Z All rights reserved www sciencea-z com UNIT GUIDE SPARK PRIOR KNOWLEDGE Adaptations The spark is designed to get students thinking about the unit ? s topics and to generate curiosity and discussion Materials n paper and pencil Activity Place students in pairs Have them take turns telling their partner their favorite food without speaking or writing They may use any other method which may include drawing the food in the air or on paper making one ? s body take on the shape of the food using sign language or displaying an image of the food on a computer screen Give the pairs a few moments to plan how they will communicate with each other Invite paired volunteers to attempt the task in front of the class Encourage the rest of the class to observe the methods used Below are questions to spark discussion If you could no longer speak how would you communicate Why If we gradually lost the ability to speak over thousands of years do you think anything would change about

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